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( )1. A.radio B. telephone C. lady D.TV

( )2. A.sandwich B.bread C.email D.cake

( )3. A.eat B.newspaper C.go D.look

( )4. A.library B.easy C.heavy D.nice

( )5. A.hamburger B.different C.hard D.big


1.英语五年级下学期期中试卷及答案:eat(过去式) 2.different(反义词)__________

3.give(过去式) 4.bring(对应词)

5.drink(过去式) 6.study(近义词)

7.learn(过去式) 8.radio(复数)

9.we(宾格) 10.dancer(动词形式)


1.There is a tree in front of the__________(房子).

2.Mary is_________(读,看)a book now.

3.She was a good__________(小学生).

4.We has some_________(蛋)and vegetables for dinner.

5.Mr Li likes Chinese__________(食物).


( )1.This black bag is nice. But it’s_________.

A.heavy B.yellow C.happy

( )2.Where are the books_________English?

A.at B.about C.for

( )3.This small box is light.It’ll be_________for you.

A.heavy B.easy C.big

( )4.These pencils are new,but those are_________.

A.old B.youny C.short

( )5.—Where can you find out the books about sports?


A.In the library. B.At the zoo C.You can.

( )6.What________you have for breakfast yesterday?

A.do B.did C.does

( )7.—What did she have for dinner?

—She_________eggs and sausages.

A.have B.has C.had

( )8.Yesterday I went to the zoo and_________animals.

A.see B.saw C.seeing

( )9.We were thirsty and hungry.So we_________apples and_________water.

A.ate;drank B.eat;drink C.ate;drink

( )10.—Did your grandma learn English?


A.Yes,she did B.No,she did C.Yes,she does.


1.It's small for her.(变成一般疑问句)


2.I can find out about the weather in this newspaper.就划线部分提问


3.He studied very hard.(变否定句)


4.She made a cake yesterday.(就划线部分提问)


5.hard for lunch he sandwiches.(连词成句)



( )1.Did you learn music? A.In the library.

( )2.Is he your grandpa? B.She had and hamburgers.

( )3.Were there any buses here? C.No,there weren't.

( )4.What did she have for lunch? D.Yes,he is.

( )5.Where can you find out the books E.Yes,I,did.

七.阅读短文,判断正T错F 20分

Jack and Lisa are good friends. They live far from school. They went to school by bus before.It took about 30 minutes. There was only one bus in the town. But now they go to school by car.Some-times they walk to school because they like walking. It takes about 50 minutes.

( )1.They live near the school.

( )2.They went to school by car before.

( )3.It takes about 50 minutes to walk to school now.

( )4.Jack and Lisa are good friends.

( )5.There were lots of buses in the town before.






一.C C B A A (5分)

二. ate same gave talk drank learn learnt/learned radios us dance (10分)

三.house reading pupil eggs food(10分)

四.A B B A A B C B A A (20分)


1.Is it small for her?

2. Where can you find out about the weather?

3. He didn’t study very hard.

4. What did she do yesterday?

5. He had sandwiches for lunch.

六.E D C B A (15分)

七.F F T T F (20分)






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