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( ) 1. A. time B. term C. turn

( ) 2. A. backache B. headache C. toothache

( ) 3. A. thirsty B. thirty C. thirteen

( ) 4. A. make cards B. make cakes C. make clothes

( ) 5. A sing loudly B sit quietly C . listen carefully

( ) 6. A. minus B. mangoes C. medicine


( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )


( )小学英语5B期中试卷:1. A. I usually do some housework.

B. I can draw a nice picture now.

C. We’re having a party.

( ) 2. A. I am speaking with Gao Shan.

B. I’ve got a bad headache.

C. I’m sorry to hear that.

( ) 3. A. They like Art and PE.

B. They have Art and PE.

C. They have eight subjects.

( ) 4. A. Sure. I can swim well.

B. Yes, please.

C. No, I can’t.

( ) 5. A. Yes, she likes jogging.

B. She doesn’t like it.

C. She likes growing flowers.

( ) 6. A. There are 30. B. There are seven. C. There are five.


( ) 1. A. She likes Music. B. She likes Art.

C. He likes Art.

( ) 2. A. It’s Sunday. B. It’s Monday.

C. It’s Saturday.

( ) 3. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.

C. Yes, he is.

( ) 4. A. She’s at home. B. She’s in the park.

C. She’s in the club.

( ) 5. A. They’re having a Maths lesson.

B. They’re having a PE lesson.

C. They’re having a Science lesson.


1. Today is __________. We have ________ __________ a day.

2. David _______ _________. But he doesn’t _______ carefully.

3. Mike is ______ an ________ in the study. His friend ________ in a small _____.

4. Ben can _______ good ________. I often ________ _________ him.

笔 试 部 分(70分)


1. We have four lessons ________________________________(在周二上午)

2. Ben ________________________________ (跑得快)

3. ________________________________ (她的叔叔)is taking photos.

4. My mother ________________________________(喜欢购物)

5. Look, he is ______________________________(展示他的轮船) to us.

6. I am staying in bed now. ( )

7. Are you taking any medicine? ( )

8. Does your uncle have the same hobby? ( )

9. Don’t speak loudly in the library. ( )

10. I go to school from Monday to Friday. ( )


( ) 1. The boy draws ______.

A. careful B. carefully C. be careful

( ) 2. He showing his pictures ______ his friends.

A. to B. for C. of

( ) 3. Liu Tao has got _______ bad earache.

A. the B. an C. a

( ) 4. A: What’s _____ with you? B: I have got a cold.

A. matter B. trouble C. wrong

( ) 5. My friend Zhang Ling ______ Maths and Science.

A. like B. don’t like C. likes

( ) 6. ______ don’t you play football with your classmates?

A. What B. Why C. Where

( ) 7._______ is the first day in a week.

A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday

( ) 8. It is _ Friday morning. I have four lessons ______the afternoon.

A. on, in B. /, in C. /, on

( ) 9. What ______ Helen’s family do after supper?

They play chess.

A. are B. is C. do

( ) 10. There ______ some children in the hospital.

A. are B. have C. is


1.How ________(be) you? I ________ (be) not bad. Thank you.

2.What ________ Miss Li usually________ (do)?

She usually ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

3.Mr Green likes ________ (take) photos.

4. Mary is a ________singer. She sings very ________. (good)

5. David is from ________. So his ________ is good. (England)

6. Do you have any ________?

Yes. My ________is swimming. (hobby)

7.Helen can play _______________(piano).

8.You should take some _________(medicine) after lunch.

四、根据所给的汉语, 将下列句子翻译成英文. (14分)


My aunt is ________ ________day.


_______ ________Helen ______ ? She________ ________.


Nancy _______ listens to __________ on __________ evening.


_________ Ben jump ________? No, he ________ jump ________.

五、从Ⅱ栏中选出Ⅰ栏中相应的选项. (10分)


( ) 1. Hello, is that Helen? A. He’s making a model plane.

( ) 2. Show me your new computer, please. B. I’m sorry to hear that.

( ) 3. Do you usually watch TV? C. Some chocolate, please.

( ) 4. What’s Mike doing? D. Yes, let me show my new plane.

( ) 5. Can you make model planes? E. Here it is.

( ) 6. What else do you want? F. She likes PE.

( ) 7. Does the boy swim fast? G . No, I do housework in the evening.

( ) 8. What subject does Nancy like? H. Reading and running.

( ) 9. I’ve got a cough. I. Sorry ,wrong number.

( ) 10. What’s your hobby? J. Yes, he does.


1. wrong, What, Wang Bing, with, is(?)


2. I, Chinese, collecting, like, stamps (.)


3. lessons, do, on, what, you, have, Monday(?)


4. is, writing, English, his, he, e-mail, to, friend, an(.)


5. you, have, do, hobbies, any (?)



1. I have a Art lesson in the afternoon. ( )


2. My hobby is make kites. ( )


3. The hot coffee near the clock is of the doctor . ( )


4. I can see some birds on the tree. ( )



Jimmy is a nice boy. He’s four. He often gets up at six. He has some bread and milk for his breakfast after he washes his face. Then he plays balls or rides his small bike in the garden. He likes watching TV., too. But these days he doesn’t play balls. He plays his small drum(鼓). He likes it very much. Every day he plays it in his room. It’s Sunday morning. Jimmy has his breakfast. Then he takes out his drum and starts to play it. Then his neighbour(邻居) comes in. She looks at the drum and asks,” Jimmy, what a nice box! What’s in it? Do you know? Is there anything nice in it?” “No, I don’t know.” Jimmy answers.” Let me help you. Here’s a knife. Cut(切) it open! You’ll see what’s in it.”

( )1. Jimmy is ______ years old.

A. two B. three C. four

( ) 2. Jimmy ___________ after he washes his face.

A. has breakfast B. plays balls C. watches TV

( )3. These days, Jimmy ________ after breakfast.

A. play balls B. rides his bike C. plays drum

( ) 4. There is _____________ in the drum.

A. something nice B. not anything C. a knife

( ) Which is NOT right?

A. Jimmy likes watching TV.

B. The neighbour doesn’t like the drum(鼓声).

C. Jimmy plays his drum in the garden.


听 力 材 料


1. We have two new subjects this term.

2. I’ve got a bad headache.

3. I can see thirteen doctors in the room.

4. Come here, children. Let’s make cakes together.

5. Please sing loudly. I can’t hear you.

6. What’s 21 minus 3?


No.1 I like Maths. How about you?

I like English.

No.2 Are you cold now?

Yes, very cold.

Don’t worry. I can get a blanket for you.

No.3 Do you water the flowers every day?

Sometimes I do.

No.4 Can he make model ships?


No.5 Look, Nancy is dancing.

Yes, she dances beautifully.

No.6 What lessons do you have today?

We have Chinese, Maths, English and Social Science.


1. What are you doing now ?

2. What’s wrong with you?

3. What lessons do they have?

4. Do you like swimming?

5.What does she like?

6. How many days are there in a week?


1. I like Music. What subject do you like, Helen?

I don’t like Music, Ben. I like Art.

Question: What subject does Helen like?

2. Is it Sunday today?

Yes, it is.

Good. We’ll have a party tomorrow.

Question: What day is it tomorrow?

3. Look, the boys are running.

Who is the first one?

Oh, it’s Mike.

Question: Does Mike run fast?

4. Hello, may I speak to Nancy?

Sorry, she’s not in. She’s having a dancing lesson in the club.

Oh, we’re going to the park. I’ll call her later.

Question: Where’s Nancy now?

5. Now, class. Listen carefully. What’s 145 plus 326?

Let me see. It’s 461.

Sorry, you’re wrong. Try again.

Question: What lesson are they having?


1. Today is Tuesday. We have eight lessons a day.

2. David runs fast. But he doesn’t walk carefully.

3. Mike is writing an e-mail in the study. His friend lives in a small town.

4. Ben can speak good English. I often study with him.





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