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一、 根据听到的内容,选择单词。(10分)

五年级下册英语期中试卷:( )1、A. men B. man C. tree

( ) 2、A. make B. book C. look

( ) 3、A. many B. woman C. ten

( ) 4、A. car B. park C. hard

( ) 5、A. hurt B. clerk C. picture

( ) 6、A. pop B. help C. hotel

( ) 7、A. quickly B..slowly C. loudly

( ) 8、A. picture B. play C. people

( ) 9、A. evening B. easy C. everyone

( )10、A. camera B. careful C. can


( )1、A、What are you doing? B、Danny is sleeping.

( )2、A、Who is singing? B﹑The baby is crying.

( )3、A、Would you like some tea? B、Would you like some water?

( )4、A、The bus is slow. B、It goes slowly

( )5、A、This is a camera. B、This is film.


( )camera ( )people ( )picture ( )hard ( )quickly

( )slowly ( )baby ( )sleep ( )point ( )loud


一、 按要求写单词。(10分)

1、woman(复数) 2、sit( ing形式) 3、slow(副词) 4、men(单数) 5、two(同音词) 6、easy(反义词) 7、five (序数词)_________8、left(对应词)________9、young(反义词) 10、want(第三人称单数)________


1、arrive in Beijing 2、in the train station

3、take a picture__________________4、去上学

5、指向 6、a cup of tea

7、on the street ___________________8、去散步

9、fly a kite 10、Be careful


( )1. Would you like tea?

A. some B. any C. /

( )2. Jenny is quick . Danny is .

A. quiet B. loud C. slo

( )3. The baby's father is a .

A. man B. woman C. girl

( )4. What 's Lily doing? She is .

A. laughs B. laughing C. laugh

( )5. These are five 。

A. man B. women C. baby

( )6. Women and children are .

A. people B. person C. men

( )7. Boys and girls are .

A. men B. women C. children

( )8. Danny point a tall green tree.

A.to B. for C. of

( )9. I see some children .

A. play B. plays C. playing

( )10. Jenny is out the window.

A. look B. looking C. looks

( )11. What you doing?

A. am B. is C. are

( )12. I am playing the baby.

A. am B. with C. Are


1、The bus is_____(quick),It goes____(quick).

2、Those are _____(baby) .

3、The children are _____(sleep).

4、These men are laughing_____(loud).

5、You can_____(walk) with it .


( )1、May I take your picture? A、Sure.

( )2、What time is it? B、No, he can't.

( )3. What is this? C、I am eating chicken.

( )4、It's hard, can you help me? D、No, thanks.

( )5、Can Danny fly a kite? E、It’s 3:00.

( )6. What are you doing now? F、It’s a camera.


1.The woman is the baby‘s mother.

2. What are you doing now?


1. Is loud Danny or quiet ?

2. The behind me woman singing is .

3. go shopping Everyone to wants .






( ) 1. A. What is Mrs. Smith doing ?

B. What does Mrs. Smith like to do ?

C. What is Mrs. Smith like ?

( ) 2. A. Which season do you like best ?

B. What do you like to do ?

C. Which sport do you like best ?

( ) 3. A. It’s time for supper.

B. It’s time for school.

C. It’s time for lunch .

( ) 4.A. This flower is strong .

B. This flower is weak .

C. This flower is strong and healthy .

( ) 5.A. Bob is a basketball player .

B .Bob is a player .

C. Bob is a ping-pong player .

三、听录音,选出文中所缺的内容。 (10分)

David goes to school 1 . He gets up 2 in the morning. Then he washes his 3 . After that , he 4 . He 5 at school.

( ) 1. A.from Monday to Friday B. five times a week

( ) 2.A. at 6:30 B. at 6:50

( ) 3.A. hands and face B. face and hands

( )4. A. has breakfast B. goes to school

( )5. A. has breakfast B. works hard


四、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 (5分)

1. brush_________ 2. have _________ 3. do ______ 4. go ______ 5. eat _____


( ) 1. A. basketball B. ping-pong C. soccer D. sport

( ) 2. A. runners B. T-shirt C. mouth D. skirt

( ) 3. A. face B. hand C. sick D. leg

( ) 4. A. day B. year C. time D. week

( ) 5. A. brush B. wash C. some D. comb


( ) 1. I often _______Danny to play ping-pong.

A. teach B. teaching C. teaches

( ) 2. There are about four weeks in a ______ .

A. hour B. minute C. month

( ) 3.It was _______. We are wet !

A. rainy B. rain C. rains

( )4.--- ______do you play basketball ?

---Once a week.

A. How long B. How often C. How much

( )5. Do you like this umbrella ______that umbrella ?

A. or B. and C. but

( ) 6. Li Ming goes to school five ______a week .

A. time B. times C. play

( ) 7. ---_______do you do at home ?

---I clean my bedroom on Sundays.

A. Where else B. How else C. What else

( ) 8. ________is exercise.

A. Swimming B. Swam C. Swiming

( ) 9. He is _____to play basketball this afternoon.

A. go B. went C. going

( ) 10. ----What’s your favourite _____________?


A. colour B. fruit sports

七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (10分)

1. Do you have _______(some) ping-pong balls ?

2. He ______(have ) a new T-shirt .

3. What _______(do ) you do last Sunday ?

4. Basketball,ping-pong and soccer are __________(sport).

5. He ________(put ) the ball in the net .

6. Let’s _______(go) to the store .

7. He is going to _______(buy ) those shorts.

8. They ________(play ) ping-pong yesterday .

9. They bought some ping-pong ___________(ball).

10. Did you have fun __________(watch) the game ?


1. The basketball is 50 yuan . (对划线部分提问)

2.They ‘re twenty-four hours in a day . (对划线部分提问)

3.What is exercise ? (用play basketball回答)

4.I eat bananas once a day . (对划线部分提问)

5. I buy some balls at the store. (加yesterday 把句子改为一般过去时)

九、根据所给提示,为下列图片排序。 (10分)

十、找出错误并改正。(错误序号写在括号内你,正确答案写在横线上) (10分)

( )1. I eat peas about two a month. _________________


( ) 2. Is this tree tall and short ? . _________________


( ) 3. How much minutes are there in an hour ? _________________


( ) 4. Health skin is clean skin . _________________


( ) 5. After breakfast , Jenny brush her teeth. _______________


十一、阅读短文,判断对(T) 错(F)。 (10分)

Lucy is a student. She is ten years old. She is strong and healthy. Because she always eats good food . In the morning she eats an egg and some bread. For lunch, she has some noodles and meat . After lunch she eats some fruit. Her favourite fruit is bananas. For dinner ,she always has rice ,fish and vegetables.

( ) 1. Lucy is a boy .

( ) 2. Lucy is healthy.

( ) 3. She has some noodles and meat for breakfast .

( ) 4. She doesn’t like bananas.

( ) 5. Lucy eats some fruit after lunch .





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