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小学五年级英语下册竞赛题:( )1、A. read B. write C. telephone.

( )2、A. grandma B. grandpa C. some

( )3、A. hamburger B. sandwich C. delicious

( )4、A. apple B. fruit C. pear

( )5、A. weather B. rainy C. sunny

二、单项选择,将最佳答案的选项写在括号里。 (30分)

( )6、— did you come back? — We came back last Sunday.

A、Where B、When C、Why

( )7、The T-shirt is too big _____ you.

A. for B. to C. at

( )8、I helped my mum all day, now I feel .

A、sad B、tired C、angry

( )9、Many years ago she in the fields.

A、worked B、works C、work

( )10、Lingling an ice cream yesterday.

A、have B、had C、has

( )11、Daming has got ___ e-card __ Lingling.

A. a,from B. an,from C. an ,for

( )12、Daming played football ______ his friends last Sunday.

A. on B. with C. to

( )13、There weren’t _____ cars.

A.some B. any C. a

( )14、He _______ hamburger very much.

A. like B. likes C. liking

( )15、He had ____at seven o’clock in the morning .

A.breakfast B. lunch C. dinner


A. us B. is C.information D.were E. any

( ) 16. We can get from the internet.

( ) 17. There weren’t buses in Haikou.

( ) 18. Now there a big house in front of the river.

( ) 19. My grandmother is talking to .

( ) 20. Where you yesterday?


( )21. Why is she wearing these clothes? A. It’s my grandma

( )22. What did he do yesterday? B. Yes, he is

( )23.Who’s this? C. He read a book.

( )24.Is your father learning English now? D. Because she was a dancer.

( )25.What did you have for breakfast ? E.I had eggs and milk..


26. there, lots of, are, cars, buses, and (.)

______________________ _______ ______

27. computers, where, about, are, books, the ( ? )

________________ __ __

28. your, card, I, can, library, have (? )

______________________________ _________

29. will, try, one, I, this, green, in ( .)

___________________________ _______.

30. one, has got, blue, this, wheels, four (.)

____________________________ ___


A. Look at this blue T-shirt. B. Thank you very much.

C. Have you got a small one? D. Where are we going? E. What do you want to buy?

Lingling: ______31______

Ms Smart: To the Department store.

Lingling: _____32_______

Ms Smart: I want to buy a T-shirt for you.

Lingling: Thank you.

At the Department Store(在百货商店里)

Lingling: _____33______. It’s nice.

Ms Smart: But it’s too big for you. ____34______.

Sales assistant: Try this one in white.

Ms Smart: That’s lovely. You can take it to China.

Lingling: _____35_____

31. 32. 33. 34. 35.


I’m Gu Jun. I’m a good pupil. I get up at six every day. After breakfast I walk to school.

I study very hard. Miss Liu is our English teacher. She is kind to us. She is a good teacher.

I have lunch at school. I have two classes in the afternoon. I go home at four. My mum cooks

for me. I love her.

( ) 36. The writer (作者)is a teacher.

( ) 37. The writer gets up at seven o’clock.

( ) 38. Miss Liu is an English teacher.

( ) 39. The writer has lunch at school.

( ) 40. The writer has three classes in the afternoon.


( P.E., favourite , am , fun , like , healthy , tofu, love , Tuesdays , Fridays )

Hello. I _______ Amy. I like _________very much . Mr Li is my P.E. teacher. His class is very _______. We all ______him. Mr Li’s ___________ food is __________. It’s ____________. We have P.E. classes on __________and ____________.I ________my teachers





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