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( )五年级英语下册第二单元测验卷:1. We go ___ north and we can play ___ the snow.

A. up, in B. on, with C. to, on

( )2. What ___ you like to do? A. are B. would C. am

( )3. In ___, the leaves are yellow in Beijing. A. spring B. winter C. fall

( )4. Winter is ___ windy and cold. A. not B. always C. often

( )5. Come ___, please! A. about B. at C. on

( )6. When is the ___ time to go to Beijing? A. good B. best C. better

( )7. When it’s winter is China, it’s ___ in Australia.

A. summer B. fall C. winter

( )8. – Why do you like spring best? -- ___.

A. Because I can fly kites. B. Because it’s hot. C. Because I can skate.

( )9. – Which festival(节日) isn’t in winter in China. -- ___.

A. New Year’s Day B. Mother’s Day C. Christmas

( )10. It’s ___ in summer in China.

A. hot and cold B. sunny and hot C. sunny and cold


【What do you like to do? Can you make a snowman now? Is it windy and cold? What’s the weather like? What would you like to do? When do you eat breakfast?

Can I make a snowman?】

1. A: ___ ___ __________ ___ ? B: I would like to go swimming.

2. A: ___ ___ ______________ ? B: No, I can’t.

3. A: ___ _____________ ___ ? B: I eat breakfast at 7:15 a.m..

4. A: ___ ___ ________ ? B: It’s warm and sunny.

5. A: ___ ___ ___ _ ? B: No, it isn’t.


Hainan is my hometown(家乡). It’s a very beautiful city. The buildings are tall, the trees are tall, too. Summer is the favourite season for many people in Hainan. It’s hot and sunny. The boys and girls can wear their sunglasses and beautiful T-shirts, they can swim in the sea, too. The favourite drink in Hainan is coconut(椰子) juice. It’s fresh and sweet. It’s very delicious. Spring is very warm in Hainan. Fall is cool. It seems that(似乎)there is no winter in Hainan. Because it’s warm and cool in winter. It’s not very cold.

( )1. Spring is the favourite season for many people in Hainan.

( )2. It’s sunny and hot in summer.

( )3. The boys and girls can skate in the sea.

( )4. Spring is very cool in Hainan

( )5. It’s warm and cool in winter in Hainan.

四. 选出划线部分发音不同的一项(5分)

( )1. A. chair B. pear C. pair D. ear

( )2. A. spring B. speed C. sky D. speak

( )3. A. day B. today C. says D. wait

( )4. A. glad B. green C. great D. grass

( )5. A. often B. box C. dog D. to

五. 单项选择(15分)

( )1. ______ is your favourite season?

A. What’s B. What C. Who’s D. When

( )2. There ______ some water in the lake.

A. is B. are C. isn’t D. aren’t

( )3.--- ______ do you do morning exercises? ---Because it’s good for my health.

A. How B. When C. What D. Why

( )4. Zoom _____ winter very much.

A. like B. likes C. like to D. likes to

( )5. I like to _____ in summer.

A. going swimming B. swim C. swimming D. go swim

( )6. We can _____ ice-cream in summer.

A. eating B. eats C. eat D. to eat

( )7. My sisters like ______.

A. watching TV B. watches TV C. watch TV D. watch the TV

( )8. I like winter ______.

A. good B. well C. nice D. best.

( )9. I like winter but my dad _____ like it.

A. don’t B. do C. doesn’t D. does

( )10. Spring is green _____ flowers and songs.

A. with B. and C. to D. in

( )11. What would you like _____?

A. do B. doing C. to do D. to doing

( )12. Winter is cold for ____.

A. we B. I C. my D. me

( )13. How many _____ are there in a year?

A. seasons B. years C. day D. week

( )14. What’s the weather like _____ fall _____ Foshan?

A. on, in B. on, on C. in, on D. in, in

( )15. Spring is good, _____ summer is my favourite season.

A. and B. for C. but D. with

六. 情景反应:选择正确的选项完成对话,把其编号填在横线上(5分)

【A. I like winter best. B. winter is white and beautiful. C. Which season do you like best? D. And? E. How are you? F. Why? G. How about you? H. I don’t like winter.】----Mike: Hi, Sarah. ______ ----Sarah: Hi, Mike. I like winter best.

----Mike: ______ ----Sarah: Because ______. ______

----Mike: ______. I like summer best.

七. 按要求写句子(10分)

1. What’s your favourite season? (按实际情况回答)

2. There are four seasons in a year. (改为一般疑问句)

3. I can swim in summer. (就划线部分提问)

4. She likes winter best. (改为一般疑问句)

5. Because I can skate in winter. (根据该答句写出问句)

八. 阅读短文,判断对错, 对的写“T”, 错的写“F”。(5分)

I am Tim. There’re four people in my family. My father, my mother and two boys. My father likes fall best because he can draw many beautiful things in fall. He’s an artist. My mother likes winter. She’s a nurse. My brother likes summer best. I’m the same. Because he can eat ice-cream and I can go swimming with my friends in summer.

( )1. Tim has a sister.

( )2. Tim’s father likes summer best because he can draw many beautiful things.

( )3. Tim’s mother is an artist.

( )4. Tim likes summer best.

( )5. Tim can eat ice-cream and Tim’s brother can go swimming in summer.


( )1.Which number(数字) is a season?

A.1 B.2 C. 3 D. 4

( )2. When it’s spring in China, it’s _____ in Australia.

A. spring B. summer C. fall D. winter

( )3. Which dog never(从不) barks?

A. big dog B. hot dog C. small dog D. Mike’s dog

( )4. If (如果) I go to see my uncle ,I can read his books. It’s in two twos.

A.一分为二 B.一文不名 C.一举两得 D.三心二意

( )5. “Well, I am well because I drink the water from the well every day. ”句子中三个well的意思分别是什么?

A. 好,身体好,好 B.好,好,井 C. 好,井,井 D.(无特别意义),身体好,井


1. her, season, what, favourite, is ( ? ) wwW .x kB 1 .c Om

2. a, Zip, sleep, and , Zoom, time, long ( . )

3. skate, can, in, in, I, winter, Beijing ( . )

4. and, is, sunny, hot, it, always ( . )

5. like, best, fly kites, I, I, fall, can, because ( . )


( )1. ______ your favourite season?

A. What’s B. What C. Who’s D. When

( )2. Bears can ______ a long time _____ winter.

A. sleep,for B. swim,in C. sleep, in D. swim,for

( )3.--- ______ do you do morning exercises? ---Because it’s good for my health.

A. How B. When C. What D. Why

( )4. I don’t like winter. It’s too _____.

A. cool B. cold C. hot D. warm

( )5. I like to _____ in summer.

A. going swimming B. swim C. swimming D. go swim

( )6. We can _____ ice-cream in summer.

A. eating B. eats C. eat D. to eat

( )7. I usually plant ______ in spring.

A. tree B. a trees C. trees D. some tree

( )8. I like fall ______.

A. good B. well C. nice D. best.

( )9. I don’t like winter , my dad doesn’t like it _____.

A.too B. either C. two D. to

( )10.I often fly kites _____ my friends.

A.and B. to C. with D. for

( )11. What would you like _____?

A. do B. doing C. to do D. to doing

( )12. Winter is cold for ____.

A. we B. I C. my D. me

( )13. How many _____ are there in a year?

A. seasons B. years C. day D. week

( )14. What’s the weather like _____ fall _____ Xiangyang?

A. on, in B. on, on C. in, on D. in, in

( )15. When it’s winter in China, it’s _____ in Australia.

A. cold B. summer C. fall D. cool


1. We can _____ ______ in ______. 我们可以在春天植树。

2. I can swim _____ _____ _____ . 我可以在湖里游泳。

3. The boys often_____ _____ snow in winter. 男孩们经常在冬天玩雪。

4. _____ do you _____ fall? 你为什么喜欢秋天?


1. do, season, which, best, you, like ( ? )

2. is, summer, my, favourite, season ( . )

3. skate, can, in, I, winter, in, Beijing ( . )

4. and, is, sunny, hot, it, always ( . )

5. fly kites, I, in , can, because , spring ( . )


( )1、What do you do on the weekend? A、 I play sports at 5:00p.m.

( )2、What’s the weather like in summer? B 、I like summer best.

( )3、Which season do you like best? C 、Sometimes I visit my grandparents.

( )4、When do you play sports? D、 It’s sunny and hot.

( )5、When is the best time to go to beijing? E、 Fall.


Cold spring green hot skate seasons fly like

1.Let’s _________kites on the farm. 2.There are four______in the year.

3.I like winter because I can_________. 4.It’s very¬¬¬_________.Put on your coat,John.

5.What would you_______to do on the weekend? 6.Summer comes after_________. 7.Winter is cold but summer is_________.

8.Spring is________with flowers and fall is golden.

Weather winter spring summer fall seasons best cool nice skate climb

Dear Lucy,

I live in Beijing now.Beijing is a________place.There are four_________in a year,In______,

It’s very warm and sunny.We can go out and_________mountains.In_________,it’s very hot,I can swim in the lake.In__________,it’s always very_________and windy.In__________,it’s cold.I like winter________,because I can play with snow and________.What’s the_________like in Hong Kong?What’s your favourite season?

Write soon,please.




Passage 1

Many parts of the world have four seasons. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. Spring follows winter. It becomes warmer and the days become longer. Plants begin to grow and many animals have babies. Summer is the hottest season. It does not get dark until late. Plants grow fast. In fall the days get shorter. The weather turns cooler. Trees may lose their leaves. Some birds fly to warmer places. Winter is the coldest season. It gets early in the evening. Plants stop growing and many trees are bare(光秃) 。

1. All parts of the world have four seasons.( )

2. Many animals have babies in spring.( )

3. Summer is the hottest season.( )

4. The day become longer in fall.( )

5. Winter comes. The plants stop growing.( )





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