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1. 能够听, 说, 读, 写以下25个有关健康的单词和词组: keep fit tired, plenty of sleep , before , drink , exercise, leave garbage , everywhere , too much , pop, stay up late, junk food, should , shouldn’t, headache, a running nose, sleepy , have a cold candy , stomachache, toothache, more , medicine , take some medicine , right after,

2. 能够听,说, 读, 写以下有关健康的交际用语: you should /shouldn’t what’s wrong ? i have a...

3. 掌握字母组合ould在单词中的发音, 能根据读音正确朗读单词和句子并用规则辅助记忆单

一. 完成下列填空

1. 保持健康 2. 疲劳的

3. 充足的睡眠 4. ....以前

5. 喝牛奶 6. 锻炼

7.五年级英语下册第十一单元测试卷  到处乱扔 8. 太多(不可数名词)

9. 熬夜 10. 垃圾食品

11.应该 12. 头疼

13 a running nose 14. Sleepy

15. medicine 16. Right after

17. 感冒 18. 吃药

19. 喂疼 20. 糖果

21. 更多

二. 选句填空

I have a headache and a running nose i have a toothache

I have a stomachache

A: what’s wrong ?


A:You have a cold


D: I am sleepy


三. 思考并填空

四. 圈出正确的字母组合

1. h____dache a . ea b. ae

2. dr___k a. In b. an

3. t___thache a. Oo b. oa

4. wr___g a. An b. on

5. me___ne a. Dici b. deci

6. sl____py a. ee b. ea

7. ex___cise a. ea b. er

8. sh___ld a.or b. ou

五. 选出最合适的一项

1. I have ____cold and i feel sick a. a b. the c. /

2. I have a headache

You should go to _______ a. school b. a shop c. see a doctor

3. we should exercise to _______ a. tired b. stomachache c. fit

4. you should always wash your hands ______eating

a. after b. before c. behind

5. don’t drink _____coke every day a. many b. much c. lot of

6. you should _____much water. a. to drink b.drinking c. drink

六. 根据汉语提示写单词, 完成句子

1. what’s wrong with you

I feel ____(疲劳)

2. The boy has got a _______(感冒) and he takes some ____________(药)

3. The doctor says i should __________________(多喝水)

4. i am sleepy. What should i do ?

You should ________________(十点之前睡觉)_________________________(睡眠充足) and _________________________(每天锻炼)

5. you shouldn’t eat _______(太多) meat

七. 针对小学生的生活习惯, 给出你自己的一些建议


(1) dialogue 1.

Girl A: What’s wrong , Alice?

Girl B: I have a headache and a running nose

Girl C: Oh, you have a cold . you should wear your sweater and go to see a doctor.

Girl A: And you should drink more water

Girl B: Thanks

Dialogue 2

Boy A: What’s wrong , mingming?

Boy B: I am sleepy

BoyA: When do you go to bed every night

BoyB: Oh, usually about 11:00

BoyA:That’s too late . you should go to bed before ten. You should get plenty of sleep and exercise every day

Dialogue 3

Girl A: What’s wrong , fangfang?

Girl B: I have a toothache

Girl A: That’s too bad. How often do you eat candy?

Girl B: Every day.

(2) dialogue 1

Mum: Please do your homework ,Bill

Bill: Do i have to, Mom? I’m tired.

Mom: You are always tired. You should get plenty of sleep and exercise every day

Dialogue 2.

Ss : It’s lunch time. Miss li, can we eat our lunch now?

T :Sure, but first you should clean you desk and washs your hands before eating. You shouldn’t leave garbage everywhere


Boy : What do you have for lunch today, Mary?

Mary: I have a fish sandwich, a pop, and a lot of chocolate. Do you want some chocolate?

Boy: No, thank you. I have a fish sandwich too. I also have an apple and some milk. You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate. You shouldn’t drink too much pop. You should drink milk every day

(3) Dialogue 1

Girl : mom , i’m hungry . can i eat dinner now

Mom : yes. But first you should put your things away. Then wash your hands before eating

Girl : do i have to put my things away?

Mom : yes. It’s not a good habit to leave things everywhere

Dialouge 2

Girl A: nannan, what’s wrong?

GirlB: i feel tired and sleepy

Girl A: Why? Do you watch a lot of TV every night ?

GirlB: Yes , i do. I know i shouldn’t watch too much TV

Girl A: You are right . you should get enough sleep every day, at least 8 hours of sleep . also, you should exercise every day.

Dialouge 3

Mom : why don’t you eat something? What’s wrong, linlin?

Boy : i have a cold . i don’t want to eat anyting.

Mom: that’s too bad . you should go to see a doctor

Boy : i think i should take some medicine and drink more water.

Mom : don’t forget to have a good sleep


Boy a : bill, i think i’m too fat. What should i do?

Boy b: tell me what you eat every day

Boy a : i eat a lot of meat. And i also like to eat chocolate.

Boy b : do you exercise every day?

Boy a : not every day . i don’t like sports

Boy b: that’s the problem. To keep healthy , you shouldn’t eat too much meat or too much chocolate. You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and exercise every day.






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