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一、 写出下列短语的中文意思。

1. elementary school _________ 4. school hall __________

2. Children’s Day ___________ 5.have a concert ___________

3. 五年级英语下册第九十单元测试卷

go to the concert __________ 6.at the concert ______________

二、 看图写出短语。

_________ _________ ___________ ___________ ___________

三、 单项选择。

1. Mocky really can _____ the drums.

A. play B. plays C. playing

2. All the children and _____ parents are in the school.

A. they B. their C. them

3. –What did you do last Sunday?

--I ____ to the park with my family.

A. go B. goes C. went

4. Wow, super, we ____ great.

A. are B. will are C. will be

5. If it rains, we will _____.

A. play outside. B. wear coat C. play well

6. Tom ____ go on vocation this summer holiday.

A. won’t B. willn’t C. will be

7. Yesterday evening I _____ a new story.

A. readed B. will read C. read

8. 你想告诉对方,你妈妈身体不舒服,_____.

A. My mother isn’t good. B. My mother is well.

C. My mother isn’t sick. D. My mother isn’t well.


( ) 1. A. doctor B. goalkeeper C. pilot D. football

( ) 2. A. win B. get C. game D. play

班级:_________ 姓名:________

( ) 3. A. his B. my C. her D. ours

( ) 4. A. his B. her C. them D. him

( ) 5. A. piano B. instrument C. flute D. violin


(1) ___1. Can you come? ___2. Where’s David?___3. Can he play tonight? ___4. Who will play the drums?___5. Are you kidding?

A. No, I’m not. B. Yes, we can. C. I will.

D. He’s at home. E. No, he can’t.

(2) ___ 1. What will you do tomorrow? ___2.What do you do everyday>

___3. What did you do yesterday? ___4. What are you going to do next week? ___5. What will he do tomorrow?

A. He will see a movie. B. We are going to have fun. C. I went shopping

D.五年级英语下册第九十单元测试卷 I will go on vacation. E. I go to school.


例: We see a movie. (tomorrow)

We will see a movie tomorrow.

1. We play football together. (tomorrow)


2. Tom visits his grandpa. (next week)


3. I help my mother cook. (next Sunday)


4. Mary goes on vocation. (next month)


5. What do you do? (tomorrow)


6. What does Ben do? ( this weekend)



一、 听音,排序。(6分)

( )We ate Chinese food in a restaurant in the evening.

( )There were many chileren playing in the park.

( )We went to a children’s theatre in the afternoon.

( )I had a very nice day yesterday.

( )In the morning ,my parents took me to a park.

二、 听音,选词,补全短文。(14分)

made swam were took night went could

Jim and his sister on holiday to the seaside(海边) with their paremts.They stayed in a hotel(旅馆) near the sea. They hear the sound at .They many pictures.They very happy and enjoyed their holiday.Jim and his sister in the sea every day.His sister a big sandcastle(沙堡)。



( )1.A.thank B.with C.theatre

( )2.A.quick B.guess C.quarter

( )3.A.write B.white C.with

( )4.A.watch B.wash C.shoe

( )5.A.laugh B.right C.high

四、 翻译词组。(8分)

1. 去儿童剧院 2.演出后

3讲许多笑话 4上个星期天

5中国历史 6问你一些问题

7带来中国歌曲的光盘 8去机场

五、 选择填空。(24分)

( )1.--- are you from,Mike? ---I’m from America.

A.What B.Where C.When

( )2.My sister watched TV and some sweets.

A.eat B.has C.had

( )3.Are you read your trip to Beijing?

A.for B.in C.of

( )4.Big Ben is in .

A.America B.England C.China

( )5.We can listen CDs in the evening.

A.at B.to C.from

( )6.Yesterday Amy to the Summer Palace.

A.went B.go C.goes

( )7.--- is going to take? ----Some apples.

A,When B.How C.What

( )8.I’ve got a letter a friend.

A.from B.to C.about

( )9.Her parents do some shopping next weekend.

A.are B.are going to C.are going

( )10.Mum an English book for Dad yesterday.

A.buys B.bought C.buy

( )11.---When are you going to play table tennis? ---

A.Tomorrow morning. B.yesterday morning. C.At school.

( )12.He didn’t a computer ten years ago.

A.had B.have C.has


1.Please (列一张要买的东西的清单)in New York.

2.We (开怀大笑)yesterday.

3. (演出后) we went to a restaurant.

4.Are you (为…做好准备)your trip next week?

5.Grandma (做了中国饭)for me yesterday.


( )1.How are you ? A.No,I haven’t.

( )2.Are you going to swim tomorrow? B.Yes,she did.

( )3.When did Jim go on holiday? C.By bus.

( )4.Did she learn English? D.I’m fine.Thank you.

( )5.What did you eat last night? E.Yes, he is.

( )6.Have you got a new bike? F.Chips abd sausages.

( )7.How does he go to work? G.No,I’m not.

( )8.Is your brother tall? H.Last summer.


Dear Dad,

How are you?Mum and I are having a good time in China.We are in Shanghai now. Shanghai is a very big city in China.There are a lot of buildings and nice food.Today is Monday.Mum and I are going to Beijing tomorrow and we will go back to New York on Sunday.I miss you very much.



( )1.This leter is for Tom.

( )2.Mum, and Tom are very happy in Shanghai.

( )3.Shanghai is a small city in China.

( )4.There aren’t any buildings in Shanghai.

( )5.Tom misses his Dad very much.




Dear ,

Last week,I went to



一、( E )We ate Chinese food in a restaurant in the evening.

( A )There were many chileren playing in the park.

( C )We went to a children’s theatre in the afternoon.

( B )I had a very nice day yesterday.

( D )In the morning ,my parents took me to a park

二、Jim and his sister went on holiday to the seaside(海边) with their paremts.They stayed in a hotel(旅馆) near the sea. They

could hear the sound at night .They took many pictures.They were very happy and enjoyed their holiday.Jim and his sister swam in the sea every day.His sister made a big sandcastle(沙堡)。


四、 1.go to the children’s theatre 2.after the show

3.tell lots of jokes 4.last Sunday

5.Chinese histerday 6.ask you some questions

7.bring CDs of Chinese songs 8.go to the airport


六、1.make a list of things to buy

2.laughed a lot

3.After the show

4.ready for

5.cooked Chinese food

七.1-4 DGHB 5-8 FACE







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