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Unit 9基础知识检测

一、 将下列短语译成汉语。

1. football game __________ 2. carry the ball ____________

3. get a goal ___________ 4. corner kick ____________

5. come back _____________ 6. cheer for the team ___________

7.五年级英语下册第九单元测试卷 : up and down ____________ 8. three to five __________

9. a big day _____________ 10. run into the field _____________


have_______ want _______ go ________ jump _________

cant’ ______ don’t ______ play _______ get _________

fall _______ hurt ______ win _______ read _______

三 单项选择。

1. There is a basketball game ____ Blue Team and Green Team.

A. behind B. from C. between D. with

2. Yesterday was a big day _____ them.

A . to B. for C. in D. on

3. Mocky got the ball and did a beautiful _____.

A. header B. head C. heading D. hand

4. _____ all go to the volleyball game today.

A. Robin and me B. Robin and I C. I and Robin D. Me and Robin

5. When our team got the first goal, Mocky was very _____.

A. excite B. exciting C. exciteing D. excited

6. My brother can ______ very well.

A. plays football B. play the football

C. play football D. plays the footba

四 仿照样子写出单词,短语和句子。

例:(I, every Sunday, at school, volleyball)


play volleyball

I play volleyball every Sunday.

I play volleyball at school every Sunday.

班级:_________ 姓名:________

1. ( my brother, on Tuesdays , in the park, basketball )

_________ ___________

__________________________ _________________________________

2. (we, every weekend, at the gym, table tennis)

_________ ______________

_________________________ ________________________________

3. ( Tom, after homework, at home, flute)

_____________ ________________

_________________________ ________________________________

5. ( I , next Monday, at the movie theater, movie)

___________ _______________

__________________________ _______________________________

五 根据答语,选词填空。

1.______is your birthday? My birthday is in October.

2. ______ is your best friend? My best friend is Lin Fang.

3. ______ row are we in? We are in Row F.

4. ______ are you? I’m eleven years old.

5. ______ backpack is it? Maybe it’s Ken’s.

6. ______ is Peter? He’s over there, under the tree.

7._____ games do you like? Football and badminton.

8. ______ do you like playing piano? Because it’s very interesting.

六 根据提示回答问题。

1. When do you play football? _________________________ (after school)

2. Where do you play football? __________________________( at school)

3. Who is the man? __________________________( my uncle)

4. What’s your favorite sports? _________________________ (排球)






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