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Unit 8基础知识检测

一、 写出下列短语的中文意思。

1. elementary school _________ 4. school hall __________

2. Children’s Day ___________ 5.have a concert ___________

3. 五年级英语下册第八单元测试卷:go to the concert __________ 6.at the concert ______________

二、 看图写出短语。

_________ _________ ___________ ___________ ___________

三、 单项选择。

1. Mocky really can _____ the drums.

A. play B. plays C. playing

2. All the children and _____ parents are in the school.

A. they B. their C. them

3. –What did you do last Sunday?

--I ____ to the park with my family.

A. go B. goes C. went

4. Wow, super, we ____ great.

A. are B. will are C. will be

5. If it rains, we will _____.

A. play outside. B. wear coat C. play well

6. Tom ____ go on vocation this summer holiday.

A. won’t B. willn’t C. will be

7. Yesterday evening I _____ a new story.

A. readed B. will read C. read

8. 你想告诉对方,你妈妈身体不舒服,_____.

A. My mother isn’t good. B. My mother is well.

C. My mother isn’t sick. D. My mother isn’t well.


( ) 1. A. doctor B. goalkeeper C. pilot D. football

( ) 2. A. win B. get C. game D. play

班级:_________ 姓名:________

( ) 3. A. his B. my C. her D. ours

( ) 4. A. his B. her C. them D. him

( ) 5. A. piano B. instrument C. flute D. violin


(1) ___1. Can you come? ___2. Where’s David?___3. Can he play tonight? ___4. Who will play the drums?___5. Are you kidding?

A. No, I’m not. B. Yes, we can. C. I will.

D. He’s at home. E. No, he can’t.

(2) ___ 1. What will you do tomorrow? ___2.What do you do everyday>

___3. What did you do yesterday? ___4. What are you going to do next week? ___5. What will he do tomorrow?

A. He will see a movie. B. We are going to have fun. C. I went shopping

D. I will go on vacation. E. I go to school.


例: We see a movie. (tomorrow)

We will see a movie tomorrow.

1. We play football together. (tomorrow)


2. Tom visits his grandpa. (next week)


3. I help my mother cook. (next Sunday)


4. Mary goes on vocation. (next month)


5. What do you do? (tomorrow)


6. What does Ben do? ( this weekend)







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