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1.Li Ming’s mother is ______ than his father.

A. tall     B. short   C. shorter

2.This is a picture _____ her family.

A.for      B. of    C .at

3.Uncle Zhiwei is my aunt’s ________

A. husband   B. wife   C. brother

4. What is it ____ English?

A.at      B .in    C. on

5.We are ______ same.

A. a      B. an    C. the

6.Mr.and Mrs. have one _______ and two ________.

A. sonsdaughterB.sonsdaughtersC. son daughters

7. China’s flag is _______.

A. red     B. white    C. blue

8.We go to the movie theatre to _____ a movie.

A. see     B. look    C. watch

9.______ are Rokey Mountains

A. That    B. This    C. These

10.Kangaroos live in ______ .

A.Australia  B. China    C. the U.K.


1.A.English  B.French   C.Chinese   D.Australia

2.A.the U.K. B.the U.S.  C.London   D.China

3.A.north   B.south   C.west    D.eat

4.A.cashier  B.nurse   C.wait    D.waitress

5.A.king   B.queen   C.president  D.beach

Ⅴ、判断下列句子正( T )误( F )

1. The U.K. is purple.

2. South points down.

3. We go to the restaurant to fly kites.

4. Canada is north of the U.S.

5. Statue of Liberty is in Washington D.C.


1. has beautiful beaches  Australia


2.  colour is What China


3.  is the U.K.  Where


4.  map of is a This China


5. is Jenny How old



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