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I am a student .I usually 1 morning exercises at 7:30 .I eat lunch at .12:00 2 noon .My father, .mother and I often 3 hiking on the weekend .4 birthday is Aug .11 .MY 6 birthday is 7 August too .MY father’s birthday is in August ,too .I like summer best .Because I can 8 in the lake . MY mother 9 winter Because he can 10 a snowman .

1、A does  B did  C do D /

2、A in B on C / D at

3、A go hike B on C / D at

4、A I B My C / D me

5、A 11 B eleven C eleventh D twelve

6、A mother B mothers C mother’s D mothers

7、A swim B swimming C skating D skate

8、A in B at C on D with

9、A like B likes  C liking  D is like

10、A make  B makes  C making  D made

五、课文理解,正确写T,错误写F .

The Trees Are Daydreaming .

Two small young trees are standing on the top of a hill Their names are Elaine and Tony .

It’s sunny and warm . Some birds .aresinging .The wind is blowing a little .and the trees are day dreaming.

“What doyou want to be when you grow up ?” Asks Elaine

“I’m not sure, I think I want to be a chair or a table in a living room .”answers Tony .”

“Maybe I want to be a dollhouse or a toy box or baseball bat…I like boys and girls ..

“May be I want to be a fishing boat .I don’t know What do you went to be when you grow up ?”asks Tony .

“Me ?”says Elaine, “I just want to be a tree. I wantto be a housefor birds and sprders . I want to have many apples and a swing .And when it’s raining, people and animals can stand under me .”.

1 ()There are two small young trees in the story

2 ()The trees standing on the hill

3 ()Elaine wants to be a tree ,when she grows up . he wants to have many trees and a swing .

4 ()Tony wants to be a car when he grows up .

5 ()The birds are crying in the story .








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