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Write the words according to the Chinese meaning:

1. At the age of 21, Liu Xiang became the first Chinese man to ______ (赢得) a gold medal in the _______ (男子) 110-metre hurdles(110米栏). He almost made a new world record(世界纪录)! No Asian(亚洲的) man has ever done this before.

2. ________ (安全) is the most important thing at the moment.

3. The 28th Olympics are _______ (特殊的), because the games are coming back to the country where they started.

4. Deng Xiaoping was one of the greatest leaders(领导人) in China‘s history. The country celebrated(庆祝) his one _______(百) birthday in 2004. People made films, wrote books and had parties to remember him.

5. China is a country _______ (具有) a long history.

6. There are many bridges _______ (在……上方) the Yellow River.

7. The books can be ________ (借阅) for two weeks.

8. I haven’t got a pen to _______ (写). Can you lend me yours?

9. The east is red, the sun ______(升).

10. He wanted to run ________(经过) you without touching you.

11. Mr Green opened the door in the morning and found an old man _______ (躺) on the ground.

12. When I got to school, I found I had _______ (忘、落) my homework at home.

13. To my surprise, a _______ (五岁的) girl can speak very good English.

14. I have never seen ______(如此)a beautiful city before.

15. When they met in the hotel, they talked and laughed _______(高兴).

16. This kind of T-shirt looks _____ and sells _____ in the market. (好)

17. We had better do the work better with ______ money and ______ people (少).

18. We teach _______(自[学]) Japanese after work.

19. _______-(妇女) deserve equal rights with men.

20. Our government(政府) has cared for agriculture(农业), _______ (农村) and farmers for a long time.

21. — Have you finished your report yet?

— No. I‘ll finish it in _______ (另外的) ten minutes.

22. It is said that Jinan has “72” famous springs(泉). In fact, the number “72” is a _______ (描述) of the large number of springs.

23. They keep ______ (服务) Chinese food all the time.

24. The incident caused much ______ (讨论) among the public.

25. ________ (健康) is more important to most people than money.







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