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四、Complete the word in the passage according to the given alphabet and answer the questions 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将句中的单词补充完整并回答问题(20%)

My name is Yang Li. I’m a student in a primary school here. I h________ four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon. I have C________, M________, E________, Art, Science, Social Science, Computer Studies. I like ________. My friend Sissi d________ not like Music. She ________ Art and Computer Studies. M________ students in our school like Art very much. They like ________ pictures. Some students like ________. They usually p________ football and b________ after school. On Saturdays and Sundays, I usually d________ housework. Sometimes I m________ model planes and model cars w________ my classmates.

1. How many lessons does Yang Li have everyday?


2. What does Sissi like?


3. What do the students like to do after school?


4. What does Yang Li usually do on Saturdays and Sundays ?


5. Does she like making model planes ?


6. Whom(谁) does she make model planes and cars with?




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小学英语五年级上册Unit 6习题 


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