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英语是其他学科的学习基础,五年级英语知识点对小朋友们的英语学习非常重要,大家一定要认真掌握,威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家整理了五年级英语试题——听力练习,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!听力部分

一 听音选词 (5分)

1 ()Aliving  Breading  C paper

2()Aletter  Bwether  C paper

3()Afinishi  Bwatch  C wash

4()Ainvent  Bprint  C hurt

5()Awent  Blearnt C hurt

二 选择听到的句子。(5分)

1 ()A It was my birthday on Saturday.

B  Here is a photo of me on my birthday.

2()A She played with me

B  She played the flute.

3()A She usually walks to school

B  She didn‘t walk to school.

4()A Chinese pepole invented printing.

B  Chinese pepole invented paper

5()A We went to the Great Wall.

B  We went on a school trip.

三 听音完成短文,用单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

(do  didn’t   clean  wash  help)

On Sundays, Daming usually _____ his homework, but yesterday  he ______ do it.

He _____his room, he ______his trousers,then he _____his Mum.



(   ) 1.Where does she live? She _____ in Anshan.

A.lives  B.living  C.live

(   ) 2.The boys      to skate last week.

A.learnt     B.learn    C.learning

(   ) 3.She‘s _____ black hair.

A. get   B. getting    C.got

(   ) 4.We _____ at Buckingham Palace last Saturday.

A.is    B.are    C.were

(   ) 5.I will _____ eight in April.      A.still    B.being    C.be

(   ) 6.Yesterday I ______ to the top.

A.cleaned     B.climbed     C. cooked

(   ) 7.She usually____to school.  A.walk  B.walks  C.walking

(   ) 8.He didn’t ______ English.   A.learn  B.learns  C.learning

(   ) 9.Lingling watched TV and _______ _______ her toys.

A. played for   B. played about    C.played with

(   ) 10.I ______ ride my bike yesterday.

A.doesn‘t  B.didn’t  C.don‘t

(   ) 11.Look at the man _______ the bicycle.    A.on   B.in   C.over

(   ) 12.Lucy went       a school trip .   A.in   B.on    C.to

(   ) 13.We went      the Great Wall.    A.on   B.in    C.to

(   ) 14.He invented this bicycle ___1839 .

A.in    B.on    C.at

(   ) 15.This is a picture ____ Buckingham Palace.

A.of     B.on    C.to


finished   washed   cleaned   helped     painted

cooked    saw      bought    went     ate

1.I _______ my room.                2. I _________  my homework.

3. She ___________ her trousers.       4. We ______you a present.

5. I _________ my father.             6.Amy _________ noodles.

7.Sam __________ a picture.          8. We _____lots of mountains.

9 We ____ to the Great Wall.          10. We _____apples.


1.do(过去式)                        2.get (第三人称单数)

3.学习(过去式)                   4.has,have(过去式)

5.did(否定形式)                     6.thing(复数形式)

7.is (过去式)                        8.toy(复数形式)

四 给你的朋友写一封信,在30个词左右,注意书信格式。(14分)








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