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1.What is the sun?

A. shape B colour C time


A.What are you doing? B.Where are you going? C.What’s your name?


A .Excuse me. B.Can I help you? C.You’re welcome.


A. Are you free now? B. What are you doing now? C. How are you ?

5. How much are they?

A. Here you are B. Eighty yuan, please. C. Here’s your change.

6.Show how to play the violin.

A we B our C us

7. are back at school.

A. All the students B. All student C. All the student

8. -Is there a map of the world on the wall? -

A.Yes,there is. B.No, there is. C. Yes, there isn’t.

9.There is elephant in the zoo.

A. a B. an C. /

10. There aren’t pictures.

A. a B. any C. some

11. -Can you sing the song? -

A.Yes,we can. B.No,we can C.Yes,we can’t

12.- -I can dance.

A.What do you do? B. What can you do? C.What you can do?

13.Can you .

A. piano B. play the piano C.play piano

14 - do you need? -Some masks,please.

A.Else what B.What else C.what else.

15. me,please.

A. listen B. Listen C.Listen to

16.They would like for a Halloween party.

A.to buy things B. buy things C.buying things

17.-What are you doing? -I’m .

A. doing my homework B. do my homework C.does my homework.

18.Can you help me my Maths?

A.of B. with C.to

19. The children are a camping site.

A. at B.on C.of

20.Xiao Hong a lot of apples.

A. have B. is C.has


1.are you what doing ( ? ) 2. is a stove there camping site at the ( . )

3. can sing the you song ( . ) 4. what they have do ( ? )

5.is behind what door the ( ? ) 6. shape what it is ( ?)





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