


b.教师在黑板上简笔一棵树,说:There is a tree in the picture. The panda can climb trees.

c. 出示词卡,教学发音。

d. 学说 There are some fruits on the tree. 教师依次在树上画上水果,引导学生说:apple tree, orange tree, pear tree. 并用“there are …”句型描述。如:There are some apples on the tree.

2.   教学bridge

a Lead in

T: The trees have a friend. It can sing. It’s a river (简笔画)

T: apple tree and pear tree are good friends. Today apple tree want to visit the banana tree., but there is a river. How can he go to the banana tree’s home?

T: What can you do?

S1: I can swim.

T: That’s a good idea! But the apple tree can’t swim, and the weather is so cold. Look, there is a bridge over the river!



d.学说: There is a bridge over the river.

e.教师说: There are many bridge in China. 课件呈现,学说英文。并用 There is … in China。 引导学生联系实际说说自己知道的桥。T:Can you say some bridges in Tan Qiao.

3.   教学house

a. 出示图片(桥、河、树),用there is/are …句型描述。

b. 添加一图片 T: Look! What else in the picture?

S: There is a house in the picture.

c. 出示词卡,教学发音,学生以行为单位操练反馈。

d. 教师在图片上不断增加房子的数量,每增加一座,学生练说:There are two / three houses in the picture.

4.   教学 village

a.衔接上一环节,教师在增加房子数量的时候,有意把它组合声一个村庄的形状。 师:T: Look! There are so many houses. So, it become a village.

b.出示词卡,认读单词, 学生以男女为单位操练反馈。

c.学说:There is a village in the picture.

d.观察图片,一同介绍图片的内容:Let’s say something about the village. There are … in the village.

5.   教学city

a.    衔接上一环节。T:Where is the panda from? Where are you from?

S: The panda is from China. I’m from China/Zhejiang./ Haining

b.   当学生提到城市名时,教师重复其句子并加上city.如: Haining City

c.    出示单词卡city,教授读音,

d. 游戏:snowball(滚雪球)

T: There are many cities in China, for example, Beijing City. Do you

know any other cities?

S1: There is Beijing City in China.

S2: There are Beijing City and Nanjing City in China.

6.   教学building