
五年级英语上册Lesson6 How Do You Like This One?第一课时


T: What color do you want?

Use the pictures to practice this sentence.

Step4: Practice with your partner.

Step5: Act this dialogue out.

Step6: Listen to the tape and think about two questions.

Step7: Ask students to answer the questions. Put the shirt’-s card on to the blackboard.

Teach the words: blue shirt, long sleeves, short sleeves.

T: What does Billy want to buy for his father?

S: He wants to buy a blue shirt.

Use the card to practice the word and the sentences what we’-ve learned.

T: Do you want a blue shirt?

S: Yes.

T: Do you want short sleeves?

Teacher points to the sleeves herself, take out of the card of sleeves, walk to the middle of students, ask students to read after her. Teacher takes out another card, teach another phrase: long sleeves

Use these sentences to practice these phrases:

What do you want (to buy)?

I want (to buy)a …… with long/short sleeves.

What is this?

This is a …… with long/short sleeves.

Do you want a …… with……?

Yes,I do. / No,I don’t.

Ask students to describe their coats.

Step8: Teach the sentence:

How do you like this one?

I like it. / I don’t like it.

Use the cards and pictures to practice this sentence.

Step9: Point to the button of the shirt on the screen.

Teach the words: button, buttons.

Use two different shirts to express with buttons, without buttons.

Ask students to describe their clothes.

Practice the sentences:

How do you like this one?

I like it. I want a …… with/without……

I don’t like it. I want a …… with/without……

Step10: Teach the word: size.

Use the pictures to express: large, medium, small.

Step11: Make a dialogue with your partner.

You can use this piece of paper on your desk. One is Billy, the other one is cashier.

Let’s make a short dialogue. Let’s begin.

Step12: Act it out at the front.


Step13: Role play

Let’s buy some clothes for ourselves.

Let me show an example first.

Look. Here’s a nice clothing store.

You’re the customer. We can use these sentences.

Now work in a group of six. Two persons in your group are the cashiers, the others are customers. Let’s begin.

Step14: Homework.

T: Write down the sentences that the cashier and customers would say.


Lesson6 How Do You Like This One? (Ⅰ)

What color do you want?

I want a blue shirt/….

How do you like this one?

I like it. / I don’t like it