
英语五年级上册Lesson7 What's He Wearing?详细课堂教案




1. T: I have a photo here. Look!Who’s she?

Ss: It’s Melinda.

T: So clever! What’s Melinda wearing?


2. T:教师领读 / s / / s / sweater

T: / s /(教师说读音) Ss: s(学生说出相对应的字母)

/s/-s /w/ - w /i:/-ea /t/- t /ε/-er s-w-e-a-t-e-r



T: Now I have a sweater here, let’s pass it and read the word.

Ss: /s/ /s/ sweater


T: Ok, stop. Put it on. What’s Linda wearing?

Ss: She’s wearing a sweater.

注:以同样的方法讲授jacket, jeans, boots.

(模仿击鼓传花的形式,让学生在传衣服或图片的过程中,不知不觉反复操练了新单词的发音,并将学过有关服装的旧句型:Put it on. Put them on.融会贯通与教学当中。

四、巩固新授 游戏操练

T: Here are some pictures ,they look the same. Please find the differences in clothes.

Ss: …

(幻灯片展示两幅在衣着上十分接近的人物图片,学生借助本节课的句型,描述他们在服饰上的区别。“In picture 1,he’s wearing…, but in picture 2, he’s wearing…” 通过这个游戏环节,既避免了枯燥的机械操练,又有效的巩固练习了新授句型和单词,同时,锻炼了学生的观察能力。)

五、 听录音 阅读课文

1. T: Let’s listen to the tape and follow it.

2. T: OK, I give you one minute to practice the chant.

3. T: Who’d like to read it for us?

T: How many stars can she/he get ? One star, two stars or three stars?

Ss: Two stars./One star…


六、阅读短文 回答问题

T: Now, do you want to know something more about my friend, Dean? Please read and answer .

Ss: Do the exercise



T: I make three students come to the front, face to the blackboard. And others describe one of your classmates “He’s/She’s wearing…” when I say one, two, three, the three students turn around and tell me who she/he is. OK?

Ss: Play this game.



Lesson 7 What’s He Wearing?

What’s Dean / Melinda wearing?

He’s / She’s wearing…, …and… .



