
五年级英语上册 Unit7 After school(A)教学设计


5A Unit7 After school(A)教学设计


1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词after, class, look for, join,study。


3.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型Perhaps they are. I’ll go and join them. Where are you going?








1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词after, class, look for, join,study。





Step1 Greetings

1.How are you today?

(学生起立) What are you doing? We are standing.

Now, what are you doing? We are sitting.

Step2 Revesion

1.(选一位男生)Hello, …what are you doing? I’m …

(向全班同学提问)what is he doing? He’s …

2.(选一位女生)Hello, …what are you doing? I’m …

(向全班同学提问)what is she doing? She’s …

3.Now look at me, What am I doing? You’re…(学生猜)

4.Game: It’s your turn. Who wants to be a little teacher?(请学生做动作,其他学生猜。)

Step3 Presentation

1.(教师猜学生的动作)Is he …? 同时引导出新授Is he /she …?及其相应的答句。

2.Game: look, listen and say (引导学生会用新的句型Is he /she …?及其相应的答句进行操练)引导出新授Are you …?Perhaps they are.

3.(the last picture)They are riding bikes. Where are they going? Let me ask them : Where are you going?(CAI无应答)。Can you help me? Let’s ask them together.(pre.) Where are you going?(CAI):We’re going to the park after school.(pre.) We’re going to the…

4.They are going to the park after school.(pre. after school) Subject: Unit7 After school

5.Pair work: Where are you going? I’m going to the…

(the last one):I’ll go and join them.(pre.)

Who wants join them? Please say this sentence loudly.

6.You’re going to the zoo, how about Gao Shan? What is Gao Shan doing? Let’s listen and answer.

Gao Shan is looking for Wang Bing. (pre.)look for

7.Gao Shan is looking for Wang Bing. But where is Wang Bing? Let’s watch the cartoon and fill in the blanks.

Name Where?

Miss Li

Wang Bing and Mike

Su Hai and Su Yang

8.Well done! Let’s read the passage silently ,then fill in the blanks.

Helen is going to _______________.

Gao Shan would like to _____________.

Gao Shan is going to _____________ with Helen.

9.(根据图示,讲解Gao Shan在本文中的行动路线及最终的去向。帮助学生理解文章。 )

Step4 Consolidation

1.Underline the key phrases.(拼读四会单词)。

重点讲解:Classes are over.

look for和find的区分


2.Read and fill in the blanks:

Classes ______over. Gao Shan is_____ ______Wang Bing. He’s ______helping Miss Li in the office. Perhaps they are playing basketball in the __________.He will go and ______them. Helen is going to the playground. Su Hai and Su Yang are _______ in the library.


Try to retell the story:

4.look and say.

Step5 Homework:

1.Read the passage and practice the new sentences.

2.Copy the new words.(four skill)