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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了五年级上学期寒假作业英语答案,希望帮助您提供多想法,加油哦!


Do you like the Chinese New Year? Many Chinese peole have a good time during the Chinse New Year. It usually comes in Febryuary. Each year gets a name. It may be called the year of the Dog, the year of the Monkey, the year of the Rabbit, the year of the Tiger and the year of the Pig, etc.

Usually there is a dragon dance in the street. The dragon is a strange animal about 20 feet long. It is made of paper and cloth. Men hide under the dragon, and make a lot of noise by shouting and laughing. There are always plenty of fireworks. After it, children went home laughing and singing.

1. The Chinese New Year usually comes in______.

a. February b. January c.May d. October

2. The Chinese people call 2006______.

a.the year of the Dog b.the year of the Monkey c.the year of the Dragon d.the year of the Pig

3. The dragon dance needs a lot of ________.

a. animals b.fireworks c.people d.noise

4.The dragon was made of _______.

a. a lot of children b. strange animals c.a lot of noise d.paper and cloth

5. After the dragon dance, the children______.

a. laugh and sing b. run and sing c. shout and laugh d. sing and dance







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