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Tom: Mom, can I go out to play?

Mother: 1_______________

Tom: If you let me go out, I will finish it later.

Mother: No, Just sit down and finish it now. You’d never do it if I didn’t make you,

would you?

Tom: Yes, I would. 2______________

Mother: Never mind about football. You will never do well at school if you don’t do your homework..

Tom: 3_______________

Mother: Well, we would. 4______________

Tom: I don’t know, but just think how happy he’d be if I got on the football team.

Mother: 5________________

A. But if I don’t go now, it will be too late to play football with my friends.

B. He says he would play football all day if he were my age again.

C. If you’ve finished your homework.

D. What would your father say if you got the lowest mark in the class again?

   E. I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t.


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