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1. F T T F T

2. together birthday cake

dance invitation tidy

3. B A C B A

4. ①It’s an invitation to my birthday party. ②What are you going to do?

③We’re going to have lunch together. ④Then we’re going to play with Amy’s new toys.

5. ①going have birthday for ②After dance friends go

③play toys help me

6. ②He is going to play the flute. ③He is going to dance.

④What’s Lucy going to do at the party? ⑤What are you going to do at the party?

Unit 2

1. 4 2 1 8 5 7 6 3

2. ①来 ② 路 ③ 回复 ④ 十月 ⑤星期六

3. February March April May

August September October November

4. ①②③根据自己情况写 ④October ⑤ September ⑥June

6. Lingling is going to be twelve.

Please come to her party.

At: (West Lake Road), Beijing

On: Wednesday, 3rd of November

From two o’clock

To four o’clock

Please reply.

聚沙成塔: I am a monkey.

Module 5

Unit 1

1. ①matter wear ② hers mine ③there wet ④whose ⑤ mine

1. your—yours her---hers his---his our--- ours

3. ①wants ②want ③T-shirts ④hers ⑤her ⑥Whose

4. A B C C B

5. ① This T-shirt is mine. ② This hat is hers.

③ That dog is his. ④ These pencils are yours.

6. ②It’s Amy’s. It’s hers. ③ It’s Amy’s. It’s hers.

④ Whose yoyo is it?⑤ -Whose doll is it? -It’s Amy’s. It’s hers.

Unit 2

1. Amy---dress---wet

Sam---shoes---dirty, wet


2. rain home dirty skirt laugh dress

3. ②Dashan’s shoes aren’t dirty. ③Xiaoyong’s shirt isn’t short.

④The man isn’t young. ⑤The boxes aren’t small. ⑥The policeman isn’t short.

4. A C B A B

5. T T F F T


1. 4 6 2 3 5 1

2. ①b ②b ③b ④a ⑤b ⑥a

3. ①mine ②lift ③countries ④crying ⑤ducks ⑥pond

4. B B B C B D

5. C C A B B C A C B B

6. his; mine; hers; yours; hers

There was; There are; There are; There were

big; sell; from; also; Sometimes

7. ① Then people give them sweets.

②And her friends are going to go home .

③Sam wants to wear my pants .

④ Does London look different?

⑤/ What a tall boy!

⑥ Please help me put the bags in the car.

8. C D B A E

9. Christmas-A C G Easter-B E I Halloween-D F H

10. F T T F T

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