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Unit 4 my home

Welcome to my home. 欢迎来我家。

This is my house. It's big. 这是我的房子,它很大。

Where are the keys? They are in the door.钥匙在哪里?在门上。

Are they near the table? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't. 他们在桌子附近吗?是的/不是。

Is it on the shelf? Yes, it is. /No, it isn't.在架子上吗?是的/不在。

Study kitchen bathroom bedroom living room home classroom

phone bed sofa shelf fridge table

Unit 5 what would you like?

What would you like for lunch? I'd like some beef. 你中餐想吃什么?我想吃些牛肉。

What's for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?

Can I help? Sure, pass me a plate. 我来帮忙, 好吗?当然好啦, 给我一个盘子。

Help yourself.请自便。

I can use chopsticks. 我会用筷子。

rice knife fish noodle beef soup vegetable chopsticks spoon

plate fork

Unit 6 meet my family

This is my uncle. He's a baseball player. He looks strong. 这是我叔叔。 他是一个棒球运动员。  他看上去很强壮。

How many people are there in your family? 你们家有几口人?

Who are they? 他们是谁?

What's your father? He is a driver.你爸爸是干什么的?他是一个司机。

uncle family teacher aunt student baby baseball parents father

mother brother sister grandpa grandma player doctor driver

farmer nurse




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