C. They don’t have any maps. There aren’t any clothes in the box.
(5) 注意下面句子中am, are, is, be的使用。你能找出点规律吗?
A. I am a maths teacher.
B. He is a fireman.
C. They are postmen.
D. I want to be a cleaner.
(6) 读下面的词组,你知道如何用英语表达“双/对”吗?
a pair of shoes two pairs of shoes
a pair of socks three pairs of socks
(7) 读下面的词组,总结表示“在什么时候”什么时候用at, 什么时候用on, 什么时又不用这些介词。
at seven o’clock at five ten at nine thirty at eleven fifty
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