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四年级期末考试英语知识点:What time is it?



要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了四年级期末考试英语知识点,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!


1、What time is it? 几点钟了?

2、It’s nine o’clock.现在九点。

3、It’s time for English class.该上英语课了。(lunch  English class  music class breakfast dinner  P.E class)

4、School is over. Let’s go to the playground.放学了,让我们去操场吧!

5、It’s time to go to school.该去学校了!( get up  go to school  go to bed  go home )

6、 Where is the short hand?

7、That one is correct

二、单词:lunch  English class  music class breakfast  dinner  P.E class  get up  go to school  go to bed  go home  just a minute

one  two  three  four  five  six  seven  eight  nine  ten  it’s=it is  math  Chinese  English P.E  music  class

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