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以下是威廉希尔app 小编精心为大家分享的四年级英语知识点:单词和句型,欢迎大家参考学习。

Unit 1  My classroom

(1) window    board     light    picture    door   floor     classroom

窗户    写字板      灯        图画        门     地板        教室

句子: What’s in the classroom ?

Many desks and chairs. .

(2) computer    teacher’s desk      wall      fan

计算机              讲台          墙      电扇

句子: Let’s clean our classroom .

① OK.

② Good idea .

③ All right .

(3)Where’s my seat ? It’s near the door.

Look at the picture . It’s nice .

Unit 2  My schoolbag

(1) Chinese   English   math   schoolbag     story-book   notebook

语文     英语      数学       书包         故事书         笔记本

句子: How many books do you have ?

① I have 6 .

② Six .

(2)bag     pencil    pen    book    ruler  pencil-case

书包   铅笔     钢笔   书本   尺子     铅笔盒

句子:  May I have a look ?

Sure, here you are .

(3) twenty  thirty   forty    fifty

二十     三十   四十    五十

句子: What colour is it ?

It’s yellow .

Unit  3  My friends

(1)long    short    hair     thin    strong     quiet

长的     短矮     头发    瘦的     强壮的    文静的

句子: Who is he ?  He is my friend .

(2)music    science   sports    computer game    painting

音乐     科学       运动      电脑游戏         画画

句子: My friend likes music .

(3)teacher    student   boy    girl  friend

老师      学生        男孩     女孩     朋友

句子:  What’s her name ?

① Her name is Amy.

② She’s Amy .

③What’s his name ?

① His name is Zhang Peng .

②  He’s Zhang Peng .

Unit 4  My home

(1)study     bathroom    bedroom     living room      kitchen

书房     浴室          卧室        起居室(客厅)   厨房

句子:Is this your bedroom ?

Yes , it is .( 肯定回答 )

No , it isn’t . (否定回答)

(2)home      room    school     classroom     desk    chair

家      房间      学校         教室      课桌      椅子

句子:  Are they on the desk ?

① Yes, they are . (肯定)

② No, they aren’t . (否定)

(3)phone     bed     sofa     shelf     fridge   table

电话     床       沙发    书架      冰箱       圆桌

句子: What can you see in the room ?

I can see a bed and a phone .

Unit 5  What would you like ?

(1)rice    fish    noodles    beef   vegetables    soup

米饭     鱼       面条      牛肉      蔬菜       汤

句子: What would you like for dinner ?

I’d like some rice and soup.

(2)bread    milk     egg    water   chicken     fish

面包     牛奶     蛋       水      鸡肉      鱼肉

句子:What’s for dinner ?  Chicken and fish .

(3)knife    chopsticks      spoon     plate     fork

小刀       筷子          勺子      盘子     叉子

句子:Can I help you ?

Yes , pass me a fork , please.

Unit 6  Meet my family

(1)family      parents     uncle       aunt         baby

家庭     父母      叔叔;舅舅       姨,姑      婴儿

句子:How many people are there in your family?

There are three .

(2)sister     brother    father     mother

姐妹       兄弟       父亲       母亲

句子:Who are they ?

They are my parents .

(3) driver    doctor     farmer     nurse

司机     医生       农民        护士

句子:What’s your father ?

He’s a driver .

通过小编为大家分享的四年级英语知识点:单词和句型 ,希望对大家有所帮助。


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