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1.___________________________ (my ,is,name , Tom)

2.____________________________ (is, miss ,Gao, , our,friend)

3.____________________________ (is what ,your number ,telephone)

4.____________________________? (mother , your ,a teacher , is)

5.____________________________? (who’s , cap , it , is)

答案:一. I(my)  you (your) he(his) she(her) it(its) We (our) you (your) they (their)

三. 1.your name  2.our class  3. his little brother  4.my grandmother  5.its tail  6.my shoes  7.her scarf  8.my shirt  9.their teacher  10. Mary’s umbrella

四. 1.My name is Tom.  2.Miss Gao is our friend  3.What’s your telephone number?  4.Is your mother a teacher?  5.Who’s cap is it?




介词如: in 在…里面on在…上面under在…下面等。

in the classroom  in the tree  in the hall

on the road  on the desk  on the floor

under the table  under the bed  under the chair


(1). 等立连词是用来连接同等的词、词组和分句的。等立连词有许多


如:A and B ; blue and white ;an apple and a banana;a car and a bus;Lucy and Ben ; Ben and Kitty ;

This is a lorry and that’s a drill.

I like dolls and you like robots.

(2). 从属连词是用来引起从句的、从属连词又分为

1) 引起名词性从句的连接词,如:if ,that 等。

2)引起壮语从句的连接词,如:when , after ,befare等。以后会逐渐学到再介绍。

3.感叹词: 表示说话人的某种感情(惊讶,高兴,痛苦等)的词叫感叹词。感叹词后常用感叹号。常用的感叹词有:oh(表示惊奇或痛苦),ah(表示惊奇或满意),hello(常被用来打招呼相当于汉语的“喂!”),well(表示惊讶,无奈)

如:Hello.Are you Mary?


1.在桌子上面  2.在树下面

3.在椅子上面  4.在盒子里面

5.在黑板上  6.在书里

7.在脸上  8.在公共汽车上

9.一只猫和一只狗.  10.又小又胖

答案:1. on the desk  2. under the tree  3. on the chair  4. in the box   5. on the blackboard  6. in the book  7. on the face  8. on the bus   9. a cat and a dog   10. small and fat

(四) 单数句和复数句:

口诀:单数句子变,变化规则要记住。名词代词要变化,am, is要变are。

this, that变成啥,these, those来替它。he, she, it要变啥,全部变they不用怕。



1.单数主格人称代词要变成相应的复数主格人称代词,即I→we; you→you; she, he, it→they。如: She is a girl.→They are girls.

2. am, is要变为are。如: I‘m a student. →We are students.

3.不定冠词a, an要去掉。如: He is a boy. →They are boys.

4.普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如: It is a cat. →They are cats.

5.指示代词this, that要变为these, those。如: This is a book.→These are books.

6. man, woman作定语修饰可数名词时,要在 ”数”上与被修饰名词保持一致。但其他名词修饰名词表示 ”性质”时,不作变化。如:

He is a man doctor.→They are men doctors.

This is an apple tree.→They are apple trees.


1. The woman is a nurse.(改为复数句)

The _________ _________ _________.

2. There are some old cars.(改为单数句)

There _______ _______ old _______.

3. He has a new book.(改为复数句)

______ ______ new _______.

4. Are these your chicks ?(改为单数句)

_____ _______ your _______?

5. Is there a sheep in the playground?(改为复数句)

____ there ____ ____ in the playground?


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