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英语的应用越来越广泛了,但是如何才能学好英语,掌握英语知识点呢?对此威廉希尔app 小学频道编辑为大家整理了有关四年级英语的重点句子。详情如下:

1. What's in the classroom?

2. This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate.

3. We have a new classroom.

4. Where is my seat?It is near the door.

5. Let's clean the classroom. Good idea!

6. Let me clean the board. All right.

7. It is nice and clean!Good job!

8. What colour is the schoolbag? It's black and white.

9. May I have a look? Sure. Here you are.

10. My schoolbag is heavy.

11. What is in the schoolbag?

12. How many picture-books do you have?

13. My friend is strong. He has short hair….

14. I have a new friend. He likes sports. She likes music.

15.What's his name ? His name is ZhangPeng

16. What's her name ? Her name is Amy.

17. Is this your bedroom? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.

18. I have a new eraser.

19. Is she in the study? No, she isn't. She's in the kitchen.

20. Where are the keys? They are in the door.

21 Are they on the table?No, they aren't.

22. What's for dinner? Rice, fish and vegetables.

23. What would you like for dinner? I'd like some rice and soup.

24. Everything's ready. Thanks /Thank you.

25. Dinner's ready! Your forks and knives.

26. Help yourself! Thank you.

27. I can use chopsticks. Let me try.

28. Mm…Yummy, I like Chinese food. Me too.

29. We had a good time. See you tomorrow.

30. How many people are there in your family? Three.

31. Who are they?My parents and me.

32. My family has seven members.

33. Who's this man?He's my uncle.

34. Who's this woman?She's my aunt.

35. Is this your aunt? Yes, she is. /No, she's my sister.

36. What's your mother? She's a teacher.

37. What's your father? He's a doctor.

38. Are they farmers? Yes, they are. / Yes, you're right.






 小学四年级英语上册课件:Meet my family

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