1. Where is the canteen?It's on the first floor.
2. This is the teacher's office. That is my classroom.
3. How many students are there in your class? Forty-five.
4.Do you have a library?Yes! 5.The canteen is on the first floor.
6.This is my computer.That is your computer.
7.Is this a teacher's desk? Yes, it is.No, it isn't.
8.Is that the art room? Yes, it is.No, it isn't.
9.What time is it?It's nine o'clock.
10.It's time for English class.Breakfast is ready!
11.School is over.Let's go to the playground.
12.Let's go home.I'm ready.
13.It's 7:05.It's time to go to school.
14.It's 8:30 .It's time for music class.
15.I like the white sweater with the green skirt.
16.I like the blue dress.
17.Where is my skirt?
18.What colour is it? Blue.
19.Is this your skirt? Yes, it is./No.it isn't.My T-shirt is red.
20.Is that your T-shirt? No, it's not.
21.Whose is it?It's my T-shirt.
22.Whose is this? It's your baby brother's!
23.What are they? These are your baby pants.They're so small.
24.Are those my shoes? Yes.But what for?
25.Our neighbour has a new baby!
26.This is the weather report.It's cool in Lhasa.
27.Can I wear my new shirt today? No, you can't./Yes, you can.
28.It's warm today.You can wear your new shirt.
29.Can I wear my T-shirt?Yes, you can.
30.What are you doing?Not much.
31.What's the weather like in Beijing? It's rainy today.
32.How about New York?It's sunny.
33.What's the matter?
34.It's windy now.I have to close the window.
35.Look at that dress.It's colorful.It's very pretty.
36.Can I help you? Yes.
37.How much is this dress?It's ninety-nine Yuan.
38.What size?Size five.
39.Are they all right? Yes, they are.
40.How much are they?They're thirty-five Yuan.
41.What are they?They are goats.
42.Are they sheep?No, they aren't.They are goats.
43.Are they horses?No, they aren't .They are donkeys.
44.Look at the hens.They are fat.
45.How many cows do you have? One hundred.
46.What do you see in the picture?I see five cats.
47.Are these tomatoes?Yes, they are./No, they aren't.48.What are these? They are carrots.
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