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【摘要】也许很多小学生在幼儿园就接触过双语教学模式,英语的重要性可想而知。或许英语已不再单单是一门学科,它已经成为必须掌握的一种语言。为此威廉希尔app 小学频道为广大小学生朋友们准备了四年级下册英语练习题,希望能帮助大家学好英语和提高成绩!

一.Look, choose and write.

二.Look, read and write.

Welcome to my community. This is a map of my community. Look! This is the bank.

It’s the police station and the coffee shop. The drugstore is

the gas station, and the grocery store is the gas station. The coffee

shop is the grocery store. The police station is

the drugstore.

Unit 9 My Community Lesson50

一. Read and order the words.

1) newspaper stand 2) cinema 3) bakery 4) between

5) community 6)restaurant 7)hairdresser’s 8)bank

二.Look and write.

A:Excuse me. How can I get to the grocery store?

B:Go straight. Turn right at the third crossing. It’s on your left.

Unit 10 My City

一、 单词默写:

城市: 博物馆: 美术馆:

大学: 体育馆: 广场:

街道: 图书馆: 恐龙: 滑板:

二、 词组连线

subway the library buy from

department a kite see a soccer match

see station turn right小精灵儿童网站

fly dinosaurs watch an art show

visit station across a skateboard

三、 单项选择

( )1、Where is the park? It’s the Peach Street.

(A) at (B) in (C) on

( )2、 are you going to do this weekend?

(A) Where. (B) How (C) What

( )3、What do you want to do on the Tian’anmen Square? I want to

(A) see an art show (B) fly a kite (C) watch a soccer match

( )4、I want to a skateboard in the store.

(A) buy (B) see (C) visit

( )5、I’m going to the gallery my grandparents.

(A) to (B) is (C) with

四、 仿写句子

Is there a stadium in your city?

Yes, there is.

Is there a gallery in your city?

No, there isn’t.

I’m going to the stadium. I want to watch a soccer match there.





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