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(    )7. What did you do last week ?    G、I fell off my bike ..

(    )8. Where is Beijing ?             H、Pop music.

(    )9. Good afternoon .               I、No ,they won’t.

(    )10. What happened to your head ?   J、Good afternoon.

五. 补全对话

A. Who is that girl ?     B. Your hair was so short.       C. Who are they ?

D.Good morning .       E. But now they are old.

A: ________________

B: Good morning .


B: They are my grandparents .

A: They were young ,then .

B : _________________

A: ______________________

B: It’s me !

A: Oh ,you were so cute . ______________________ , then

B: But my hair is longer now.


1   mum,  you ,   Sam,    and,      help    ,did   ?

2  America ,  is   .capital,  Washington D.C.  the  of

3  wasn’t   She ,  young,     then

4  boy, I  , this  , better  , the ,   the ,   think ,   girl,   is ,  than

5   rain  ,  Tianjin ,    in , It    will

6   a  bike  ride   Sam    and     for   I    went   yesterday

7   to  some   you   talk   did   friends  yesterday    ?

8   girls    is     worse       Tom    than  the

9   what    you   do  on  Monday      will   ?

10   will    one day     do      they     everything ?


1. -___  ___(在星期六) we’re going to have a picnic.

-Will you take your ball?

-No, I _________(不带).

2. -America is also called ______  _____(美国).

-I ______  ________(知道那个).

3. -You _______ (是) so cute.

-Yes, but she ______ (是) very naughty, too.

4. -______(哪里) is Xizang?

-It’s ____ the ___ _____ China (在中国的西边).

5. Sam _____(没有) help Mum. He _____(玩) on the computer


(   ) 1. Did you walked in  the park yesterday?  ______

A      B      C

(  ) 2.WashingtonD.C. is in the west of the  USA.__________

A                    B   C


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