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暑假是适用于全世界在校学生的一个较长的夏季假期。一般在7月-8月左右。。威廉希尔app 提供了四年级第二册英语暑假作业,希望能帮助大家更好的复习所学的知识。

一、 听音选出你所听到的单词。(5×1’)

(  )1.A. hop       B. skip       C. dance      D. walk

(  )2.A. zoo       B. pool       C. book       D. cook

(  )3. A. football   B. running    C. basketball   D. swimming

(  )4.A. mess      B. meat       C. money     D. boat

(  )5.A. walk      B. sleep       C. sock       D. paint

二、 听两遍,选出你所听到的句子。(5×2’)

(  )1.A.He is from canada.          B. He is from China.

(  )2.A. I like noodles.             B. I like climbing mountains.

(  )3.A.Do you have your ticket?     B. Do you have his ticket?

(  )4.A. I can see the blue sky.       B. I can see white clouds

(  )5.A. It’s hot in summer.          B. It’s cold in winter. w     W  w  .X k b 1. c O m


(   )1.What is Tom doing?

A. He is playing football.                 B. He is swimming.

(   )2. Where is Anne from?

A. She is from France.                   B. She is from Australia.

(   )3. How much is the orange?

A. It’s four yuan.                       B. It’s five yuan.

(   )4. How many puppet does Jim have?

A. Five.              B. Four.

(   )5. What is the weather like today?

A.It’s sunny             B. It’s snowy.


三、 找出不同类的单词。(5×1’)

(  )1.A. behind       B. on          C. the         D. in

(  )2.A. finger       B. head         C. knee       D. good

(  )3.A. China       B. Canada       C. come      D. France

(  )4.A. letter        B. read         C. write       D. climb

(  )5.A. Friday       B. Saturday     C. Tuesday    D. America


1. tooth(复数) ____________            2. come(ing形式)_______

3. have(单三) __________               4. hot(反义词)__________

5.knee(复数) ____________


(  )1. Do you _______ any money?

A. has          B. are       C. have       D. had

(  )2. He ________ from France.

A. come        B. are         C. comes     D. coming

(  )3.Where ________ my shoes?

A. is          B. are         C. a        D. am

(  )4.I don’t have so ________ money.

A. much       B. many       C. are      D. to

(  )5. Anne’s mother is __________.

A. sweep      B. sweeps      C. sleep     D, sleeping

(  )6. I want to __________.

A. playing     B. plays       C. play       D. played

(  )7. Autumn is cool ________ nice.

A. and        B. or          C. for        D. With

(    ) 8. —What is your name ?

—_____ am Lingling.

A. My       B. I          C. He        D. Me

(    ) 9. That puppet has two_____.

A. leg        B. hand       C. feet       D.tooth

(    )10. How much        the glasses?

A. are         B. is        C. be         D.do


(    ) 1. 当你要问别人可以看见什么时,应该说:

A. Can I help you?   B. What can you see?

(    ) 2. 今天是雨天,应该说:

A. It’s rainy today.       B. It’s sunny today.

(    ) 3. 向别人表示生日快乐时,应该说:

A. Happy birthday.   B. Happy New year.

(    ) 4 当你要问别人来自哪里时,应该说:

A. Where are you going?  B.Where are you from?

(    )5. 当你要问那个女孩在干什么,应该说:

A. What’s the girl doing?    B. Where’s the girl doing?


1. do   how   hands  you  many   have


2.cap  your   is  on  head    your


3. birthday  is    my  Today

4. am  Lily  I  Canada  from

5.What’s   your    that   in    sock



(  )1. Where  are   my   cap?              ______________

A     B    C

(  )2. Spring   is   warms   and  nice.       ______________

A      B     C

(  )3. It    are     eighteen    yuan.         ______________

A    B         C

(  )4. How    many    is    it?            ______________

A       B       C

(  )5. I    can    playing    football.       _______________

A       B         C


I have two good friends. One is from America. She is a girl. Her name is Alice. She likes music and painting so much. She can sing very good song. The other is a boy. His name is Mike. He is from Australia. He likes basketball and science.

(     ) 1. I have two friends.

(     ) 2. The girl is from Australia.

(     ) 3. She can sing very good song.

(     ) 4. The boy is from America.

(     ) 5. Mike likes basketball and science.



2、我叫Mingming, 我来自法国。












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