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在愉快的暑假中,同学们一定要能按时认真地完成暑假作业,并且让自己的假期过得安全、充实,而且有意义,威廉希尔app 提供了四年级第二学期英语暑假作业卷,希望对大家有用。



(  )1.A. run     B. hop     C. swim

(  )2.A. book    B. cook    C. wood

(  )3. A. ball    B. basket   C. basketball

(  )4.A. ticket   B. meat    C. money

(  )5.A. skip     B. sleep    C. sock


(  )1.A.He can climb.           B. He can write.

(  )2.A.My brother is sleeping.    B. My brother is painting.

(  )3.A.What are you doing?      B. Where are you going?

(  )4.A. Today is Friday.         B. Today is Saturday.

(  )5.A. It’s 12 yuan.            B. It’s 20 yuan.


(  )1. A. I’m from France.     B. He comes from China.

(  )2.A. Yes, you can.         B. Yes, I can.

(  )3.A. She is skipping.       B. He is skipping.

(  )4.A. I’m going to school.    B. She is going to the post office.

(  )5.A. Yes, I do.            B. Yes, I have.



(    ) 1. A. behind      B. cap        C. beside

(    ) 2. A. spring      B. cool       C. winter

(    ) 3. A. sun         B. moon       C. paint

(    ) 4. A. yuan        B. much       C. dollar

(    ) 5. A. cook        B. football   C.table tennis


1. run _______        2. dance ______      3. play________

4. skip_______        5. sleep _______

六、根据图片,从每题所给的A.B 中选择正确的句子,只须填字母序号。(5分)

(    )1. A. He is dancing .     B. She is dancing .

(    )2. A.I likes playing basketball.

B.I likes skipping.

(    )3. A. The girl is cold.

B. The girl is hot(炎热).

(    )4. A. It is winter(冬季)now.

B. It is summer(夏季) now.

(    )5. A.Peter is writing.    B.Peter is cooking.


A                                                    B

Where is the cat?                                   I can see mountains.

What can you see?                                  I have ten yuan. .

How much do you have?                             He is swimming.

What’s Peter doing?                                 Yes ,I am.

Do you have his ticket?                               No, I don’t.


(    )1. Do you _______ any money?

A. has        B. are       C. have

(    )2. He ________ from France.

A. come      B. is         C. comes

(    )3. Lingling is playing_______ table tennis.

A. the        B. a          C./

(    )4.Where ________ my shoes?

A. is          B. are          C. a

(    )5.I don’t have so ________ money.

A. many       B. much         C. Are

(    )6. —What is your name ?

—_____name is Lingling.

A. My       B. Your        C. He

(    )7. _______is my new cap?

A. What        B. Where       C. Who

(    ) 8. I have a puppet. It can         .

A. walks    B. walking    C. walk

(    ) 9. I have two         .

A. foot     B. foots    C. feet

(    ) 10. He         two hands.

A. have     B. has     C. having


1. the    What    is    weather like


2. do   How   fingers  you  many   have


3  have     you     ticket     a     Do

4. are   garden   Dino and Tom   the   in


5. have   music   lesson  I  again



A    D    F    H    K    L    M    O    R     Y


Hello, my dear friends! Do you know me? I’m from Sichuan. I’m white and black. I look like(象…)a bear. But I’m not a bear or a cat. Who am I? Yes. I’m a panda. I like climbing up trees. Look, I’m a baby. I go to school, too. I’m in Grade One. I’m new here. I’m  your friend. I am beautiful. Do you like me?

(   )1. It’s a baby bear .

(   )2. The panda is white.

(   )3.The panda is from Sichuan.

(   )4.The panda likes climbing trees.

(   )5.The bear is in Grade One .







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