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威廉希尔app 小学频道为各位同学整理了2015年四年级英语暑期作业(附答案),供大家参考学习。更多小学学习内容请关注威廉希尔app 小学频道。


(    )1. —I can’t swim.    —I can’t swim ________.

A.too         B. two    C. either

(    )2. —Have a ________, Bobby.  —Yeah! I can fly.

A.        A.Look  at       B. look      C. try

(    )3.Look at          dogs under the tree. They’re very cute.

A. they           B. that                C. those

(    )4. —How many ________ do you have?


A. mango; Two     B. mangoes; Two  C. mangoes; Too

(    )5. —Here’s ________ egg for you.

—Thank you. What ________ big egg!

A.an; a    B. an; an    C. a; a

(    )6. This is our snowman. His nose ____ small. His eyes ____ big.

A. is; is    B. are; are    C. is; are

(    )7. – Where is your aunt?      ¬¬-- _______ in the living room.

A. I’m                     B. She’s                C. He’s

(    )8. --Do you have ______ apple?  -- No. I have ______ oranges.

A. an, an                 B. an, some             C. an, any

(    )9. I’d like to drink two      of       .

A. cups; coffees        B. cups ; coffee          C. cup; coffee

(    )10. -Where     the cakes ?  --        in the fridge.

A. is ; They’re         B.are  ; They’re         C. is ; It’s

(    )11. Where ______ my pens?

A. is              B. are                C. am

(   )12.A: Your school bag is nice.   B: __________

A. Yes.            B. No, it isn’t.         C. Thank you.

(  )13. A:_________would you like?    B: _________like some noodles.

A.What’s ;   I     B  What ;  I’d           C  How ;  I’d

(    )14.I’m hungry.  I’d like ________.

A  some tea         B. a sandwich             C. some coffee

(    )15. Do you have_______toy animals?

A  some           B any             C a

(    )16. Whose classroom is this? It’s__________ classroom.

A. we             B. us             C. our

(    )17.His father is very _______.

A. big            B.tall            C.long

(    )18.____ you like a pie? Yes,please

A. Do   B. Would C. do

(    )19. —Can you play football?

— Yes, I ______.

A. do             B. can            C. can’t

(    )20. —_______  _______ crayons do you have?

— Twelve.

A. How many       B. How nice        C. How much


(    )1. What is this?                 A. It’s time for bed

(    )2.What do you like?              B. Thanks.

(    )3.Would you like a cake?         C. I’d like a toy panda.

(    )4.Look at my dog.                D. No, I don’t

(    )5.How much is it?                E. It’s a toy monkey.

(    )6.What would you like?              F. It’s fifty yuan.

(    )7.It’s nine o’clock.           G. Yes, please.

(    )8.How many pencils do you have?  H. It’s cute.

(    )9.Here you are.                  I. Four.

(    )10.Do you like tigers?           J. I like monkeys.



A:What’s this,Jack?

B: It’s my playhouse(玩具屋)Come in, Mike.

A: Are these toys?

B: Yes, they are all new. Look, I have ten cars.

A: They are beautiful. How many balls do you have?

B: Let’s count(数数)

A: One, two, three ... six.

B: Do you like your new toys?

A: Yes, I do. But (可是)I like my old(旧的)toys, too.They are my birthday presents(礼物).

(    )1. Jack has nine cars.

(    ) 2.Jack’s cars are beautiful.

(    ) 3. Jack has five balls.

(    ) 4. They like the toys.

(    ) 5. Mike likes his old toys too.


My school bag is my good friend. It’s black and red. There is a blue cat on my bag. The cat’s eyes(眼睛) are big and the nose(鼻子) is white and small. It’s very lovely!

My school bag is not big, but beautiful and useful( 有用的). My textbooks(教科书),my pencil box and my exercise-books(练习本) are all in my school bag. I like my school bag.

1.My school bag is (   ).

A. blue and white   B.black and white    C.black and red

2. There is a (         ) on my bag

A. a blue cat    B.a white cat    C.a blue dog

3. The cat’s nose is (    )

A.small  B big   C.red.

4. My schoolbag is (   ).

A.lovely    B.big    C.not big

5. Which one is not in my schoolbag(不在我的书包里)?

A. Textbooks    B. Pencilbox       C.purse(钱包)


Helen has a happy family. She lives in Suzhou with her parents. Helen is a student. She gets up at 6:30 every morning and goes to school on foot. Her father is a policeman. He goes to work by bus. And her mother is a doctor. She goes work by bike. What do they usually do on Sundays? Helen usually goes shopping with her mother. But her father doesn’t like going shopping. He usually reads books at home.

(     )1. Helen lives in Suzhou with her parents.

(     )2. Helen isn’t a student.

(     )3. Helen’s father is a policeman.

(     )4. Helen’s mother likes reading books at home.

(     )5. Helen’s father doesn’t like going shopping.




l like       and      .


Su Hai       a               .


is too      .

4.  我喜欢葡萄。

I  _____  ______.

5.  看我的T恤衫.

______  ______ my T-shirt.


I’d like ____  _____.


一.1-5:  C  B  C  B  A   6-10:C  B  B  B  B

11-15: B  C  B  B  B   16-20:C  B  B  B  A

二. E   J  G  H  F   C  A  I  B  D

三.A.   F  T  F  T  T

B.  C  A   A  C  C

C.   T  F  T  F  T

四.1. go to bed  2.eighteen  3.skate  4.horse

5.gloves    6.swim   7.jump  8.banana.

五.1.Chinese   Art

2.has  swimming  lesson

3.His  shirt  big

4.like  grapes

5.Look  at

6. an  egg

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的2015年四年级英语暑期作业(附答案)大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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