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威廉希尔app 小学频道为各位同学整理了2015年四年级英语下册暑期作业,供大家参考学习。更多小学学习内容请关注威廉希尔app 小学频道。


(    ) 1. –I’m ______. –Can I go swimming ?

A. cold          B. ill              C. hot

(    ) 2. –Are you ill ? – No, ______.

A. it isn’t        B. I  amn’t         C. I’m not

(    ) 3. –How is summer in Yancheng? –It’s very ______.

A. cool          B. cold             C. hot

(    ) 4. Bobby _______ some pies for lunch.

A. have          B. would like           C. like

(    ) 5. Here ______   many beautiful flowers.

A. are          B. am                  C. is

(    ) 6. Let’s go and play in the park.  --_____.

A.Yes, you do    B. Sorry, you’re wrong.    C. Sorry, I have a cold.

(    ) 7. What are these? They are  ______ .

A. my glove      B. your skirt            C. mother’s jeans

(    ) 8. – Are you ill, Taotao? Yes, I want to ______.

A. have some cake B. come to school        C. see the doctor

(    ) 9. – Tim ______ draw, but he  ______ skate

A. can, can       B. can , can’t            C. can’t, can’t

(    ) 10. ______ coat is this?

A. Whose        B. whose               C. Who’s

(    ) 11. -- I’m hot.

– Here is          for you.

A. a fan            B. an umbrella.        C. a chair

(    ) 12. 一Can you draw a tree? 一Sure.It’s_________

A.difficult         B.easy       C.nice

(    ) 13.—Can I have _______ ice creams? – Yes, please.

A. a               B. some             C. any

(    ) 14. Hello, Sam. ________ is Bobby speaking.

A. It               B. This              C. This

(    ) 15. -- _________ you hungry? – No, _________ not.

A. Are; I            B. Are; I’m          C. Am; I’m

(    ) 16. Your jeans _________ too.

A. is                B. am              C. are

(    ) 17. – When do you have picnics ?

– We have picnics _______ school

A. after              B. in              C. on

(    ) 18. – Do you like this __________ ? —Yes, I do. I like _________.

A.dolls; dolls        B. doll; dolls       C. doll; doll

(    ) 19. – Is that ________ crayon? –Yes, it’s _______ crayon.

A. your; my          B. you; my         C. you; I

(    ) 20. –What time _________ you get up? – I get up _______ six twenty-five.

A. are; at          B. do; in           C. do; at


I                                             II

(    )1. Can you swim?                              A. Thank you.

(    )2. When do you go to bed?                       B.I'm fine.

(    )3. What day is it?                              C.Yes, please.

(    )4. Let's go climbing.                            D.Yes,I can.

(    )5. Whose socks are these?                        E.Good idea

(    )6. My jeans are too long.                         F.It's Monday.

(    )7. How are you?                                G. Good night.

(    )8. Good night.                                  H. Liu Tao's.

(    )9. Here you are.                                 I.At 9:30.

(    )10. Would you Iike an ice cream?                   J.Try these.



Dad: What would you like ?

Su Hai: I’m hungry. I’d like a pie.

Dad: What about you, Su Yang ?

Su Yang: I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty. I’d like some orange juice.

Assistant: Sorry, there’s no orange juice. Would you like some apple juice ?

Su Yang: No, I don’t like apple juice. Can I have some water ?

Assistant: Ok. What about you, sir ?

Dad: I’d like some noodles and a cup of coffee.

Assistant: Ok.

Dad: How much are they ?

Assistant: Forty yuan.

Dad: Here you are.

Assistant: Thank you very much.

(    )1. Where are they now ?

A. At school   B. In a shop.    C. At a snack bar.

(    )2. Is Su Hai hungry ?

A. Yes, she is.   B. No, she isn’t.  C. Yes, she isn’t.

(    )3. How much are they ?

A. Fifty yuan.     B. Forty-five yuan.    C. Forty yuan.

(    )4. Does Su Yang like orange juice ?

A. Yes, she does.  B. No, she doesn’t.   C. I don’t know.(我不知道)

(    )5. What does Su Yang have at last(最终) ?

A. Some orange juice.     B. Some water.    C. Some apple juice.

(B) 阅读短文,判断对错,对的写“T” ,错的写“F” 。(10分)

Helen usually gets up early every day. But today she gets up very late in the morning. So she has no time for breakfast. She goes to school at seven thirty. She has four lessons in the morning. She has lunch at eleven forty at school. She plays table tennis at four and goes home at five twenty. At six thirty, she has dinner with her parents. That’s her day.

(   )1.Helen gets up early this morning.

(   )2.Helen has four lessons in the morning.

(   )3.Helen has lunch at eleven forty at home.

(   )4.Helen plays table tennis at five twenty.

(   )5.Helen has dinner with her parents at six thirty.


__________   _________    _________     _________   _________

_________    _________     _________    _________    _________


1.A:Look __________ the dress.

B:It’s nice. __________ dress is it?


2.A:Look at these gloves.

B:__________ nice! Whose gloves __________ __________?

A:__________my sister’s.

3.A:The shoes __________ __________big.

B:Sorry. __________my father’s. __________these.

A:All right.

4. A: What’s the ________?    ___________   __________ ill?

B: No, I’m thirsty.

A: Oh, dear. Here’s a __________ _________ water_________ you.

B: Thank you, Mum.

5. A: Come and  ________ some hamburgers, Helen.

B: I’ m ________ hungry. I’ m tired.

A: Go to  _______  now.

B: All  right. Good night, Dad.

A: Good night.



1.C   2.C   3.C   4.B    5.A    6.C   7.C     8.C   9.B   10A

11.A  12.B  13.B  14.B   15.B   16.C   17. A   18.B  19.A  20.C


1.D  2.I  3.F  4.E  5.H  6.J  7.B  8.G  9.A  10.C




hot,          sweater,   party,         summer,    shirts

Play football,  fly kites,   go swimming,  go home,   make snowmen


at,       whose,   It’s ,    How,    are these,   They’re,   are too,

They’re,  Try,     matter,  Are you,  glass of,    for,       have,

not,      bed

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的2015年四年级英语下册暑期作业大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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