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本文是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的新起点小学生四年级英语暑假作业练习的文章,希望大家能够喜欢!


1. English (英语,英国人的,英国人)   England (英国)

2. Chinese (汉语,中国人的,中国人)   China (中国)

3. this (复数)_______    that (复数)_______

4. this (对应词)_______   these (对应词)_________



1. I have =__________    2. I am = __________    3. he is =__________

4. she is =__________    5. he has =__________    6. she has =___________

7. it is =___________     8. they are =________ 9. what is =__________

10. is not=__________    11. have not =_________  12. has not =_________

13. can not =_________   14. are not =__________   15. where is =_________

16. let us =__________    17. you are =__________

三.There be 句型:  be 指的是 is   are

1. There ___ an apple and two pears in the basket.

There_____  two apples and a pear in the basket.

2.There be 的常见特殊疑问句:

How many+可数名词的复数形式+are there…?  (为下列问句作出回答)

How many days are there in a year?   ____________________________

How many weeks are there in a month?  _____________________________

How many days are there in a week?   _____________________________

How many months are there in a year?  _____________________________

How many boys are there in your class?  ______________________________

How many girls are there in your class?  ______________________________

3. 下面句子能帮助你纠正学习中的常见错误

a. There is snow in January. / It’s snowy in January.  snow(名词)—snowy(形容词)

b. There is rain in August. / It’s rainy in August.      rain(名词)---rainy(形容词)

c. There is wind in March./ It’s windy in March.      wind(名词)—windy(形容词)



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