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威廉希尔app 为您带来小学四年级英语暑假作业复习练习,希望帮到您。并祝各位同学在暑假中过的快乐!!!。

第一部分 听力(40分)

一、 听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词(20分)

( )1.A.Ll B.Jj C.Ff

( )2.A.Gg B. Mm C.Ss

( )3.A.Ww B.Vv C.Uu

( )4.A.want B.drink C.cold

( )5.A.long B.green. C.short

( )6.A.rabbit B.cat C.puppy

( )7.A.salt B.soup C.pepper

( )8.A.lunch B.breakfast C.supper

( )9.A.sweets B.cakes C.lollipops

( )10.A.pencil B.ruller C.schoolbag


( )No, you can’t. You can have a cage for it.

( )Mummy, can I have a kitten?

( )Peter and his mother are at a pet shop.

( )No, you can’t. But you can have a puppy.

( )Can I have a basket for my puppy?


( )1.A.Yes,please. B. No, I do.

( )2.A. No, you can’t. B. Yes, here you are.

( )3.A.The thick one, please. B. The long one, please

( )4.A.I like sweets. B. I’d like some buns.

( )5.A.You are welcome. B. Excuse me.



( )1.Would you like ¬_____ apples?

A. an B. a C. some

( )2.Can I have some rice?

A. No, I don’t. B. Thank you. C. Yes, here you are.

( )3.Can I have a basket ____ my rabbit?

A. in B. for C. of

( )4. I have a box ____ sweets.

A. at B. for C. of

( )5.Which one do you want, a long one ____ a short one ?

A. at B. for C. or

( )6.Here you are.

A. No, I don’t. B. Thank you. C. Yes , I am.

( )7.Can I borrow ____ pencil, please?

A. you B. my C. your

( )8.____ do you like ?

A. What B. Where C. When

( )9.___ I help you?

A. Am B. Can C. Is

( )How are you ?

A. Thank you. B. I’m ten. C. I’m fine.


( )1. A. ice-cream B. puppy C. cold drink

( )2. A. bun B. cake C. pet

( )3. A. thin B. pencil C. long

( )4. A. two B. thick C. short

( )5. A. want B. borrow C. water


1. like cold I’d a drink ( . )


2. want you do soup some ( ? )


3. I borrow ruler a can ( ? )


4. do like what you ( ? )


5. one do which want you( ? )




( ) 1. How old are you ? A. No, you can’t.

( ) 2. Which one do you want ? B. I am ten.

( ) 3. Here you are. C. The thick one.

( ) 4.Can I have more ? D. I like lollipops.

( ) 5.What do you like? E. Thank you.


Today is Sunday. My father and I go to my uncle’s farm. I see many animals here. I am very happy. My father helps my grandmother do the work. I play football on the farm. At noon(在中午),they feel tired. We have lunch on the farm.

( ) 1. Today is Saturday.

( ) 2. My father and I go to my grandmother’s farm.

( ) 3. I play football on the farm.

( ) 4. At noon, my father and my grandmother feel tired.

( ) 5. We have supper on the farm.

小学四年级英语暑假作业复习练习 ,不知道有没有帮到您呢?


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