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四年级英语暑假作业精选,威廉希尔app 为您带来,希望帮到您。并祝各位同学在暑假中过的快乐!!!。


一、 听音选择:选出所听到的单词或短语。(30分)

( )1.A.doll B. ball

( ) 2.A.flat B. block

( ) 3. A. go to school B. in the park

( ) 4. A. parcel B. parrot

( ) 5. A. his B. has

( ) 6. A. outside B. inside

( )7. A. full B. empty

( ) 8. A. asleep B. awake

( ) 9. A. shiny B. fluffy

( )10. A. yours B. ours

二、 听音排序。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



1 . long (反义词)___________ 2 . full (反义词)___________

3 .cherry (复 数)___________ 4. go (过去式)___________

5. box (复 数)___________


( )1. 牛津版小学英语五年级期中试题下学期:A. behind B. beside C. side

( ) 2. A. it B. they C. is

( )3. A. fluffy B. shiny C. sky

( ) 4. A.my B. her C. yours

( )5. A. his B. him C. our

( ) 6.A. eyes B. mouth C. ears

( ) 7.A. smell B. hear C. hand

( ) 8. A . look B. tongue C. eat

( ) 9. A. taste B. nose C. feel

( ) 10. A. soft B. angry C. hard


( )1. I can with my eyes.

A. hear B. see C. smell

( ) 2. Have you got pears?

Yes, I’ve got pears.

A. any some B. any any C. some some

( )3. I want hammers.

A. a B. an C .both

( )4.I like this new coat I don’t like

that old one.

A. and B. but C. or

( )5.Give a long ruler , please.

A. me B. I C. my

( ) 6. What is it, Ben?

It’s empty parcel.

A. a B. an C. some

( ) 7.This car is mine , That one is .

A. your B. you C. yours

( ) 8.Whose is this? It’s his.

A. bear B. bears C. a bear

( ) 9. I touch a fluffy bear my hands .

A. with B. for C. of

( )10. What can you with your tongue?

A. taste B. hear C. smell


1.What colour is it ?                                           It’s in your bag.

2.Where’s my book?                                        I’m fine , thank you .

3. How are you?                                                 Yes, I have.

4. Have you got any oranges?                       It’s hard.

5. How does it feel?                                          It’s red.



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