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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了四年级英语暑假作业练习,希望对大家有所帮助和练习。并祝各位同学在暑假中过的快乐!!!。




(  ) 1. A. singing B. running C. swimming

(  ) 2. A. cap B. hat C. cat

(  ) 3. A. December B. November C. October

(  ) 4. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday

(  ) 5. A. high jump B. long jump C. jump high

(  ) 6. A. bath B. past C. fast

( ) 7. A. candle B. cake C. king

( ) 8.A. fun B. run C. sun

( ) 9.A. 9:15 B. 9:30 C. 9:45

( ) 10.A. 15 yuan B. 50 yuan C. 13 yuan

三、听句子三次,判断所读内容是否符合图意,如相符,请在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。 (10分)



( )1. A. It’s 7:30. B. It’s 1:00. C. At 9:30.

( ) 2. A. It’s 8:30. B. It’s Monday. C. Yes, it is.

( ) 3. A. Yes, he is. B. He is Jiamin’s father. C. The one with glasses.

( ) 4. A. Do my homework. B. I’m running. C. No, I don’t.

( ) 5. A. I’m running. B. He’s playing. C. She’s painting.

( ) 6. A. No, thanks. B. Happy birthday. C. Thank you.

( ) 7. A. Yes, I do. B. I go running. C. No, it isn’t.

( ) 8. A. Watch TV. B. I don’t like cartoons. C. Yes, I do.


1. We’re having a for Ben’s birthday.

2. Look, some children are playing ________, some are __________.

3. My favourite day is _________.

4. We usually have _________ at .

5. The man with a hat looks like a __________ .

六、听短文三次,判断下列句子是符合短文内容,如符合,在括号里写“T” ,否则写“F”。(5分)

(  ) 1. The children are in the classroom.

(  ) 2. Xiaoling is skipping under the tree.

( ) 3. Mike is listening to the music.

( ) 4. Sally and

d Janet are sleeping near the lake.

( ) 5. There are six children.



(  ) 1. The lady in a uniform _______ like a policewoman.

A. look B. looks C. looking

(  ) 2. Is it Sunday or Monday? __________.

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s Monday.

(  ) 3. I usually go to the park _______ Saturday.

A. in B. on C. at

(  ) 4.Look, the little girl_________

A. is singing B. singing C. sing

(  ) 5. What do you do ______ you have free time?

A. which B. when C. with

(  ) 6. Christmas is __________.

A. come B. coming C. comeing

(  ) 7. I ______ born in January.

A. am B. have C. was

(  ) 8. It’s 7:30. It’s time ________ go to school.

A. to B. for C. /


1. Subject(科目): ________________________________________________

2. Sport(运动): ___________________________________________________


4. Week(星期): _______________________________________


1. play b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. the l_ _ _ j _ _ _ 3.a b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ c_ _ _

4. s_ _ _ _ o’_ _ _ _ _ 5.do h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. play c_ _ _ _



A: What do you _______ do on Saturday.

B: I usually go shopping _______ my parents. _______ you?

A: I ________ housework with my mother.

B: Do you watch TV on school _________?

A: Yes, I do.


1.( ) A. The old man is playing chess.

B. The old man is listening to the music.

C. The old man is drawing a picture.

2.( ) A. Look, the boy is skipping.

B. Look, the boy is playing basketball.

C. Look, the boy is doing the long jump.

3.( ) A. They are singing



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