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以下是威廉希尔app 小编精心为大家分享的外研版2014英语四年级暑假练习作业欢迎大家参考学习。


January   jacket   twenty   Monday   skirt   March   Saturday

thirty    Tuesday    May     blouse    nine   twelve   sweater

August    Wednesday   September   Friday     coat    fifteen

星期(week):_____  ______  _________  _________  ________

月份(month):_____  ______  _________  _________  ________

衣服(clothes):_____  ______  _________  _________  ________

数字(number):_____  ______  _________  _________  ________


g_ to s_ _ _ _ _    d_ my h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    g_ b_ _ _ h_ _ _

h_ _ _ p_ _ _ o_ _    p_ _ _ g_ _ _ _        a q_ _ _ _ _ _ to t_ _


1.The children are p______ c______ (下棋)in the classroom.

2.The boys like p_____ f_________ (踢足球)very much.

3.They don’t  watch TV on s_________ d_____(在学校上学日).

4.Janet has breakfast at about h______ p_____ s________(七点半).

5.It’s time to g____ u____(起床).


(  )1.The man _______ a worker.

A. look like   B. looks like   C. like looks

(  )2 .---_____ are you?

--- I am ten.

A. How many   B. How much      C. How old

(  )3.The lady _____ glasses is my aunt.

A. with   B. on   C. for

(  )4.The old men _____ exercise in the park now.

A. are taking   B. is taking   C. take

(  )5 .The like  _______ in the evening.

A. dance   B. dancing   C. danceing

(  )6 .Jim’s  favourite ______ is running.

A. sport   B. colour   C. clothes

(  )7 .______ is between Saturday and Monday.

A. Friday   B. Tuesday   C. Sunday

(  )8.---_____ is your friend?

---The one in a red dress.

A. How old   B. Which   C. What

(  )9.Christmas is in ________.

A. December   B. September   C. October

(  )10 .It is a quarter to one. It is _______.

A.1:45   B.1:15   C.12:45


1. What is your father like?


2. Do you have a PE lesson on Thursday?


3. Is it Monday today?


4. What time is it now?


5. What’s your favourite sport?


6. What do you usually do on Saturday?




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