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由威廉希尔app 为您提供的小学四年级英语暑假作业,希望给您带来帮助!


2. There’s an orange in my hand . How many_______________________________?

3. There’re two white cars in front of the house . What__________________________?

4. Mary is reading in her study . Where_______________________________________?

5. I’ve got some red pencils. Who________________________________________?

6. It’s snowy.  _______________________________________________?

7. I can see dark clouds in the sky .  Where ________________________________?

8. Spotty is fine .______________________________________?

9. I like grapes best . ____________________________________?

10. The red pencil is mine . _______________________________?

11. Our teacher is making New Year’s plans for us .(一般疑问句并肯答)


12 .I always go to school by bus at 6:30. (否定句)_________________________________.

13 .Lili is cleaning our classroom . W hat_________________________________?

14 .We are going to play video games tomorrow . What____________________________?

15 .Miss Li has got three dresses . How many _____________________________________?

16 .What are you going to do this evening ?(实际回答问题)__________________________

17 .There are some animals in the forest .(一般疑问句并肯答)


18 .Monkeys can run fast .(否定句)____________________________________

19 .Does Norman go to bed at 9 every day ?(肯定句)______________________________

20 .Kitty likes singing with her friends . Who_______________________________?

21 .The birds are flying in the sky . What__________________________________?

22 .They are going to have a picnic next Sunday . What_________________________?

23 .I am going to music school in the morning .(一般疑问句并否定回答)


24 .Tom draws a picture every evening .(否定句)_____________________________

25 .I am going to act a play tomorrow . What_______________________________?

26 .Sandy is watering the flowers in the garden .What_____________________________?

27 .Mum likes going shopping with me . Who_____________________________________?

28 .She is singing songs in the classroom . Where________________________________?

29 .The children usually get up late on Saturday.(一般疑问句并肯答)


30 .Lili is going to wash her shoes tomorrow .(否定句)______________________________

31 .Alice is making New Year’s plan at home . What________________________________?

32 .My birthday is on January 23rd.When_____________________________________?

33 .There are many whales in the ocean. What________________________________?

34 .We are going to the theatre tomorrow .(一般疑问句并否答)


35 .My nose is for smelling  ._________________________________?

36 .Are they riding their bikes in the park ?(肯定句)____________________________

37 .My father is going to visit Sydeny for a month .______________________________?

38 .There is some rice in the bowl .(否定句)______________________________________

39 .Alice is going to see the doctor tomorrow ._____________________________________

二. 回答问题

1. What can you see in your classroom  ? _________________________________

2. What’s your job ? __________________________________________

3. Which fruit do you like best ? ___________________________________

4. Who is your good friend ? _______________________________________

5. Have you got a brother ? _________________________________________

6. _________________________________? Yes, I go to school on foot .

7. ________________________________? Miss Pink is our English teacher .

8. _____________________________? It’s sour .

9. ____________________________. You’re welcome .

10. _______________________________? It’s on September 10th.

11. ________________________________? I am washing my clothes .

12. ______________________________? Sue is going to go to school tomorrow .

13. _____________________________? She is near the bank .

14. _______________________________? No, he’s making some cakes .

15. ______________________________? There is a cup on the table .

16. __________________________________? Yes , they are .

17. _______________________________? I am having a lesson .

18. _______________________________? She wants to buy some skirts .

19. ________________________________? I have got two ears .

20. ______________________________? I am going to fly a kite in the park .

21. _____________________________? There are two maps on the wall .

22. ________________________________? There are two caps on the chair .

23. ________________________________? We are having a picnic near the river .

24. ________________________________? Yes ,they are fast .

25. ______________________________? No , I am going to take a plane to Paris .

26. _______________________________? They can make some coffee .

27. Where do you usually have lunch ? _________________________________________

28. What time do you eat your dinner ?_____________________________________

29. How does the pineapple feel ?___________________________________________

30. Taste the chocolate . Is it sweet ?___________________________________

31. What’s your favourite food ? Why ?__________________________________

32. My umbrella is red . What about yours ? __________________________________

33. What day is today ?_____________________________________

34. What’s the weather like today ?___________________________________

35. What weather do you like best ? Why ?___________________________________

36. Have you got a plan for this weekend ?__________________________________

37. What are you going to do this weekend ?___________________________________

38. Do you like summer holidays or winter holidays ?_______________________________

39. What’s the date today ?_______________________________

40. Can you make a paper plane ? _____________________________

41. Do you usually leave home at 7:00 every morning ? ______________________

42. Do you like a snowy day or a rainy day ? __________________________________

43. Have a pleasant trip ! _______________________________________

44. Have a good time !_____________________________________

45. How does the pineapple feel ? _____________________________

46. What’s the weather like tomorrow ?______________________________

47. What are you going to do during the summer holidays ? __________________________

48. What are you doing now ? _________________________

49. Can I go for a picnic tomorrow ?_______________________________ ____________________________________..We can go to the cinema .

50. _________________________________.Let’s go and play hide-and-seek .

51. What are you going to do tonight ?______________________________

52. ____________________________________.I’m going to go for a picnic next weekend .

53. __________________________________.We are going to visit some interesting places .

54. What’s your mouth for ?________________________

55. __________________________________? My hands are for working .

56. What are your eyes for ?_________________________________________

57. What are your legs for ?_______________________________________

58. _____________________________________? My ears are for listening .

59. What’s your tongue for ?______________________________________

三. 按要求填空

1. Tom often ________(吃早餐) at half past six .

2. Do you do your homework _________( 在家) .

3. This jigsaw is ______________(我的) .

4. Can you watch TV _______________________(星期六晚上) ?

5. My father __________________(看报纸) in the living room now .

6. Today is Children’s ________. It’s ________fine day . There is no clouds _________ the sky . The Children ______very happy . The girls are wearing beautiful skirts .The ____are wearing smart T-shirts .They are not __home . They are at school . Some are making cakes . Some are _____games . The children of Class One are playing hide-and-seek .The children of Class Two are playing ___model planes . Where are the teachers ? They are in ____garden . _______happy they are !

7. I like to ____(散步) in the evening .

8. Are you going to______________ (踢足球) tomorrow morning ?

9. There is an English Evening ___________________(今晚) .

10. I want to ________________(听收音机) and ______________(看电视) in the evening .

11. I have a bad cold . I am going to ___________(看医生) this afternoon .

12. Whose books are these ? They are _______________(他的) .

13. Let’s go to buy ____________________________(两张票子) .

14. We are _____________________(弹吉他) in the music room now .

15. We can see _________________(许多云) in the sky .

16. Have you got a ___________________(新年计划) ?

17. A:My b_________ is A_________1st . We’ll dine out .

B :That’s great ! W________ would you like to eat ?

A: Park Hotel .

B: You like this h_________, don’t you ?

A: Yes .And after d________, we can go to the G_________  Th ________.

B: What’s shown on that day ?

A: B________ Opera .

B: Wonderful !

18. your, hers ,his ,she ,mine ,me , yours ,them ,our , they , her ,my ,ours

(1) I’m Sue . This new schoolbag is ________.

(2) Let ___taste the grapes . Wow, _______are so nice . I like ______very much .

(3) What are _____dresses like ? _____ are nicer than _____.

(4) Are those _____gloves ? Yes , they’re _____.

(5) Does _______mother like western food ,Mike ? No ,_______doesn’t .

(6) Sandy and I are friends .________school is big , but _____is old and small .

19.______your eyes , Jimmy ._____it . How does it ______? It’s smooth and soft .

20.Look ,______Barbie Doll is it ? It’s Alice’s . What is it _____? ______is nicer than ____.

21.Look , the sun is ______. It’s ________today .

22.It’s ______ and _________ in summer .

23.It’s going to __________.Take an umbrella , please .

24.I can feel the _______in spring . It’s not windy .It’s _________.

25.I like winter . It’s ________. I can make a ___________.

26.Tomorrow is Saturday .It’s the _________. Sandy and Norman are going to __________.

27.It’s very       _________in spring .

28. Happy New         __________,Grandpa !

29. The rabbit’s tail is         ___________.

30. ____________it over ,Jackie .

31. There is a flower           ________ on Sunday .

32.Can you help me to          ________ the trolley ?

33. My brother likes to         _________a dog after supper .

34.Look at my teddy         ______.It’s so nice .

35. ___________the desk .It’s hard and cold .

36.We        ________English every day .

37.What ____you _______(do) now ?  I ________(ride ) a bike .

38.My birthday is on August the ___________(twenty ).

39.____you _____(play ) video games tomorrow ?  Yes, we ___.

40.Today is _____( fog ). Drive your car slowly .

41.Is this ______(she ) mirror ? Yes, It’s _______(she ).

42.What’s the _________like today ? _________rainy .

43.What ____________________tomorrow ? Is it _______? Yes, it’s fine .What ____you _____tomorrow? I ____________________for a picnic . ______ a good time . Thanks .

威廉希尔app 给您带来的小学四年级英语暑假作业,希望您阅读愉快!!


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