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(   )1.Why do you like winter?         A.October 18th.

(  )2. What’s the date ?           B.Because I can skate.

(  )3.Can I speak to your mom,please?      C.I like apples.

(  )4.What’s the elephant doing?         D.It’s walking.

(  )5.Which  fruit do you like?          E.Sure.Hold on,please.

七.根据提供的句子,将对话补充完整,将A.B.C.D .E序号填到横线上。 (5分)

A.I’m watching  TV..    B. What is your cat doing?

C. He’s reading a newspaper.  D. Can I ask you some questions?

E. What is your mother doing?

Jack:  Hello. This is Jack. ___________

Child: Sure.

Jack:  What are you doing?

Child: ___________.

Jack:  ___________

Child: She’s cooking dinner.

Jack: What is your father doing?

Child: ___________

Jack: ___________

Child: It’s watching the fish in the fishbowl.

Jack: Thank you.

Child: You're welcome. Bye.


Today  I  have  many  things (事情) to  do. It’s Sunday and  it’s a nice day. I get up at five o’clock and then I do morning exercises. I like spring, because in spring I can hear(听) the birds singing  and the flowers are beautiful. In the afternoon I go to the park with my friends and have a picnic there. It’s  a pretty day!


1. It is a rainy day.     (   )

2. I get up at 7 o’clock.     (   )

3.Spring is my favourite season.   (    )

4. I see many animals in the afternoon.     (    )

5. I have a picnic with my friends.         (   )


My sister likes spring best .Because she can plant trees .The weather is windy and warm .But I don’t like it .I like winter .I can make a snowman .Now , It’s fall .My mother’s favourite season is fall .

(   ) 1.Does my sister like summmer ?

A .No ,she doesn’t like .  B. Yes, she does like summer .

(  ) 2.What’s my mother’s favourite season ?

A.Spring       B. Winter     C. Fall

(   ) 3.Which season do I like best ?

A. It’s spring    B. It’s winter   C. It’s fall

(   )4. Why does my  sister like spring ?

A.She can plant trees .

B. She can make a snowman.

C. She can climb mountains .

(   )5. What season is it now ?

A. It’s fall.  B. It’s summer . C. It’s spring .


1. watch 2. leaves  3. walk 4. London 5. ant 6. classes 7. drawing pictures 8. sleep 9. jumping 10. November


1.What are you doing ,Chen Jie ?

I'm eating dinner.

2.Do you like winter ?

No, spring is my favourite season.

Because I can fly kites.

3. When   is   your  birthday?

My birthday is  in   January .

4.Look at the pandas.

Are they swimming   ? No, they are climbing

5.It’s time to go . Where is John ?

三.听音排序, 每小题读两遍。

A :  What’s your favourite season , Sarah ?

B :  Spring .

A :  Why do you like spring ?

B :   Because Ican plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

A :   Winter .

B :   Why do you like winter ?

A :   Because I can skate .

四、根据录音中的对话内容,从A或B中选择正确答案, 每小题读两遍。

1. What  are  they   doing ? They’re   jumping.

2 . When  do  you  paly   sports? At 4:35.

3. What  are  you doing  ? I’m takinging  pictures



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