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(    ) 10. She _____ so happy.

A. look         B. looking        C. looks

(    ) 11. ----What’s _____? ----I’m ill.

A. matter          B. the matter     C. the wrong

(    ) 12. ----Do you like this _____?----No, I like _____.

A. lion   tigers    B. lions   tigers   C. lion   tiger

(   ) 13. What’s in your desk?

A. It’s a copybook.  B. I’ve got a copybook. C. No, it isn’t.

(   ) 14. ----It’s nine. Go to bed, David. ----All right._______, Mum.

A. Good night       B. Good morning   C. Good evening

(   ) 15. I play football _______ afternoon.

A. in          B. at the          C. in the


1. do , you , time , up , get, what ( ? )_________________________________________

2. home, go , at , I , five ( . ) __________________________________________________

3. jeans, too, are , her, short ( ? )__________________________________________

4. this, his , perhaps, is,  red,scarf ( . ) ______________________________________

5. some,  for,  here’s ,  milk , you   ( . )___________________________________


(    ) What’s the  time now, Helen ?     A. See you.

(    ) Try this cap on, please.            B. It’s ten thirty .

(    ) Do you like dolls ?                     C. Not at all

(    ) What time do you go to bed ?               D. No , I don’t.

(    ) See you at nine o’clock.                    E. No , she isn’t.

(    ) That’s Jim’s mother, I think.                 F. Don’t worry

(    ) My rubber is too small.                   G. All right.

(    ) Thank you very much.                    H. At eight ten.

十、根据中文完成句子,一空一词。( 10% )


I’d like this toy _________. _________ I_________ a_________.


Miss Li, _________ I _________ _________ _________ for Su Yang? _________.


_________ _________ do you _________ _________? _________ _________ _________.


_________ _________ are they? Perhaps_________ _________ father’s.


A:  ____          ____  that in English?

B:It’s a dress. Do you like      ____ ?

A: No, I    ____   . Have a look    ____    the jeans.

B: How nice! You can try that     ____   on.

A: All    ____   .

十二、 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确。正确的写“T”,错的写“F”。(5%)

Hello, I’m Lydia. I’m eleven. Look, this is my family photo. The man is my father. He is a driver. The woman is my mother. She is not a driver. She is a teacher. And the girl is me. I’m a student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I don’t like Chinese. I like English best.

(    ) 1. Lydia is a boy.

(    ) 2. Lydia’s mother is a driver.

(    ) 3. Lydia goes to school from Monday to Friday.

(    ) 4. There are four members (成员) in Lydia’s family.

(    ) 5. Lydia likes English best.



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