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最新2014四年级英语暑假作业来袭,威廉希尔app 为您带来,希望帮到您。

一、 把下列单词翻译成英语:22分

1.怪物 2.弄坏 3.哭 4.跑(过去式)

5.刚过去的 6.练习 7.奖杯 8.来(过去式)

9.赢得 10.赢得(过去式) 11.金制的

二、 选择填空:18分

1.Did you ______? No, I _____ . A.fall/didn‘t B.fall/don’t C.fell/didn‘t

2.___ you see a scary thing?Yes, I ___ . A.Do/did B.Did/did C.Did/do

3.There _____ an old woman before. A.is B.was C.were

4.How many boys _____ there? There were ten boys. A.is B.are C.were

5.____ did she play? She played the flute. A.How B.What C.Where

6.____ did they come?They came yesterday. A.Where B.When C.Who

三、 写出适当的词:20分

1.run的过去式 2.cry的现在分词

3.win的过去式 4.come的过去式

5.do的过去式 6.fall的过去式

7.toy的复数形式 8.saw的原形

9.see的同音词 10.child的复数形式

四、 改写句子:20分

1.What do you do on Sundays?(last Sunday)


2.Some Chinese children are seeing a film.(last week)


3.I do my homework after supper.(Amy, yesterday)


4.I have some new books.(he,old)


五、 补全句子:20分

1. Mum: Did you fall,Tom? Tom: No,_________________________.

2. A:Did you break you toy? B: Yes,___________________________.

3. A:When did they come? B:______________________ last Sunday.

4. A:Where did you go? B:_____________ go out. I stayed at home.

最新2014四年级英语暑假作业来袭,威廉希尔app 为您带来,希望帮到您。


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