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he box?(单数)_____________________________

32There is a sheep near the river.(复数)_____________________________

33What a nice school garden!(how)____________________________

34This is a beautiful girl.(感叹句)______________________________

35What’s beside the reading room?(用电脑回答)__________________________________

36Are there two bikes in your family?_(否定回答)____________________________

37What’s the date today?(实际回答)______________________

38Ther is a cup of water on the desk.____________________________

39There are some old toys in my schoolbags. (单数)_____________________________

40Here’s a present for you.(应答)___________________________

41The calendar tells us days and dates.(what)_____________________________

42 He likes to eat bananas (一般疑问句)_______________________________________

43 Today is Wednesday . (问句)___________________________________

44 I often read story books at the weekend. (否定句)__________________________________

Unit 3-4

1. She can play basketball. (否定句)_________________________________

2. We’re in Shanghai now.____________________________________

3. She doesn’t like drawing in the park(肯定句).______________________________

4. They have got many interesting pictures.(一般疑问句)_____________________

5. The girl is making a paper frog with her brother.________________________________

6. I like apples best.(what)____________________________

7. Her father’s favourite number is six.______________________________________

8. Mr Green’s shirt is white and pink. ___________________________________

9. We are singing and dancing on Children’s Day.____________________________

10. May and Tom are listening to the music.(who)___________________________

11. We can see one hundred story books on the bookcase.____________________

12. We want two long rulers.(Jane)________________________

13. They are sitting in an old car.(what)____________________________

14. We can buy clothes in the shop. (否定句)

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