
2013-06-25 17:21:10 字体放大:  

VII. 根据问句在方框内选择相应答句,并将其序号填在题前( )里。(10分)

( )1.What time is it? A. It’s ten yuan.

( )2.What’s the weather like today? B. It’s five o’clock.

( )3.How much is this shirt? C. No, it isn’t.

( )4.How many pictures are there? D. It’s cold today.

( )5.Is this your jacket? E. Twelve

得 分 评卷人


A. Thank you!

B. Do you have lunch at school?

C. How many students are there in your class?

D. No,it isn’t. E. This is our teacher’s office.

Wu: Welcome to our school! . That is my classroom.

Mike: .

Wu: Forty-five.

Mike: .

Wu: Yes! The canteen is on the first floor.

Mike: Is that the TV room?

Wu: . It’s the computer room.

Mike: Wow! Your school is cool!


IX. 连词成句,注意书写规范。(10分)

1. are how they much ?

2. your is T-shirt this ?

3. there horses are many how ?

4. for it’s math class time .

5. it colour is what ?

X. 阅读短文判断正误。与短文内容相符的在( )里写T,不相符的在( )里写F。(10分)

I'm Chen Jie. I'm in Yichang . I’m at the farm. The farm is big. I can see many ducks, horses and hens. It's very hot and sunny now. I can wear my new dress. And my old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. It's fifty yuan. It's too expensive.

( ) 1. Chen Jie is at the farm.

( ) 2. There are many ducks, sheep and hens at the farm.

( ) 3. It's cool in Yichang..

( ) 4. Chen Jie has a new dress

( ) 5. The new hat is forty yuan





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