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1. Listen and underline. (听录音两次,在听到的单词下划线。)

(1) Saturday (2) dice

(3) Math (4) sleeping

(5) Eyes (6) hers

(7) Hot (8) watch

(9) Drawing (10) week

2. Listen and number. (听录音两次,给图编号。)

Model: (1) W: What do you want for your birthday, Ben?

M: I want a toy car.

(2) M: Do you like basketball?

W: Yes, I do. I play basketball every day.

(3) W: Jack, are you sleeping?

M: No, mom, I’m reading.

(4) W: Is this your skateboard, Tony?

M: Yes, it is.

(5) M: Today is Sunday, what do you do on Sunday?

W: I play soccer on Sunday.

(6) W: Where is my doll?

M: Look, it’s on the sofa.

3. Listen and judge.(听录音两次,判断对错,对的写Yes,错的写No。)

Model: (1) W: Where is my ruler?

M: Look, it’s under the desk.

(2) W: What subject do you like?

M: I like P.E.

(3) M: Are you hungry?

W: No, I am not. I am very thirsty.

(4) M: Peter, is this your watch?

W: No. It’s Tony’s.

(5) W: What is the girl doing?

M: She is shopping.

(6) M: Ben, can you touch your feet?

W: Yes, I can.

4. Listen and tick. (听录音两次,在相应的表格内打“√”。)

W: Gogo, look out!

M: Oh, I’m sorry. Whose basketball is this?

W: It’s Peter’s basketball.

M: Is this your stuffed animal, Jenny?

W: No, it’s Lisa’s.

M: Is this your stapler, Jenny?

W: No, the stapler is Tony’s.

M: Whose book is this?

W: It’s my book. And this is your computer game. Here you are, Gogo.

M: Thank you.




威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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