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二、 选择题:10%

( ) 1. She girl.

a. is b. can c. are

( ) 2. Can you dive? Yes, I .

a. is b. can c. can‘t

( ) 3. How are you? .

a. You are b. Thank you c. I’m fine

( ) 4. eyes are big.

a. I b. He c. Her

( ) 5. Whose apple is that? That‘s apple.

a. Alice b. Alices c. Alice’s

( ) 6. Are you happy? No, I‘m ..

a. teacher b. jump c. sand

( ) 7. He icecreams.

a. like b. like’s c. likes

( ) 8. ? He‘s a fireman.

a.What do you b. What does he c. What’s he

( ) 9. Is this pen, Peter? Yes, It‘s my pen.

a. his b. your c. her

( ) 10. I’m I want some milk.

a. huangry b. thirsty c. sad

三、 按要求填空:12%

1. This (I/my) mother. You can tall (she/her) Mrs Wang.

2. (Do/Does) you like tigers? No,I (do/don‘t).[

3. Here (is/are) the policemen.

4. Can Kitty cook ? No, she (can/can’t).

四、 选词填空,不得重复:5%

on, in, His, Her, She

This is my friend. Name is Alice. Has a dog. Name is Sam. Alice is The bed. Sam is the box.

五、 填单词,写中文:8%

d_c_or f_ce d_nt_st j_mp

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

六、 阅读短文,回答问题:12%

I‘m Henry. I’m twelve years old. I‘m Class Two. I have a friend. His name is David. He’s twelve years old,too. He‘s in Class Four.

( ) 1. Henry is twelve years old.

( ) 2. David is in Class Two.

( ) 3. David can swim.

( ) 4. Henry can’t paint.

( ) 5. They‘re good friends.

( ) 6. David is tall and fat.

七、 以”我的朋友“为题写四句话:8%







威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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