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【编者按】为了丰富同学们的学习生活,威廉希尔app 小学频道搜集整理了小学英语四年级上册复习练习听力稿,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!



一、1. have some chicken 2. hand in the homework 3. play football

4. sing and dance 5. jump and run 6. read and write

二、1. Where‘s the canteen?

2. Do you have a library?

3. How many students are there in your class?

4. Is that a music room?

5. Is it a picture?

三、1. What time is it? It’s two o‘clock.

2. What time is it? It’s seven o‘clock.

3. What time is it? It’s nine o‘clock.

4. What time is it? It’s eight o‘clock.

5. What time is it? It’s six o‘clock.

四、1. six 2. five 3. four 4. nine 5. seven 6. two 7. five 8. one


一、1. Put your yellow shirt in the box.

2. Put your green boots on the chair.

3. Put your orange bag on your desk.

4. Put your red ball under the bed.

5. Put your blue T-shirt on the table.

6. Put your purple skirt on the sofa.

二、1. wash the shirt 2. play football 3. take off your jacket 4. hang up the skirt

5. water the flowers.

三、1. It’s sunny in London. Put on your sunglasses.

2. It‘s rainy in Guangzhou. Please take the umbrella.

3. It’s cold in Harbin. Put on the coat.

4. It‘s warm in Sydney. Take off your jacket.

It’s cool in Lhasa. Put on the sweater.

四、1. Where is the canteen?

2. Is it a picture?

3. What time is it?

4. Where are my jeans?

5. What are they?

6. What colour is it?


一、1. This is a shirt.

2. They are sneakers.

3. Is this a jacket?

4. There are three pears in the picture.

5. They are sandals.

6. How many oranges can you see? Four.

7. This is a boot.

8. This is a watermelon.

二、1. Look at that dress. It‘s colourful.

2. This shirt is pretty, but it’s too small.

3. How much is it? It‘s ten yuan.

4. I want five watermelons.

5. How much are they?

6. They’re three yuan.

三、1. jeans 2. slippers 3. sneakers 4. jackets 5. cheap 6. pear 7. much they

四、1. Ride a horse 2. Hold a lamb 3. Shear a sheep 4. Milk a cow 5. He‘s as fast as a horse. 6. Feed the chiken



威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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