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( )7 This boy ate many biscuits.

A tooB twoC to

( )8 Last Sunday we went a bike ride.

A to B forC on

( )9 I fell off my bike. And I fell the watermelon.

A offB ofC on

( )10 Where you go yesterday? I went to the park.

A didB doC does

五、 组词成句(共10分,每题2分)

1 happened, you, to ,what


2 my, cut, I, finger


3 yesterday, eat, what, you, did


4 a ,got, Amy, has, headache


5 matter, what‘s, the


六、 将A组与B组内容联系起来,将其标号填写在前面的括号中(共10分,每题2分)


( )1 I’ve got a fever. A.I ate too many sweets.

( )2 I‘ve got a stomach ache. B.I didn’t sleep.

( )3 I‘ve got cold. C. It was very cold.

( )4 I’ve got headache. D.I ate too much.

( )5 I‘ve got toothache. E. I didn’t wear warm clothes.

七、 阅读短文,回答问题(共10分,每题2.5分)

Paris Mouse became angry because London Cat got a big house. He planned to get a big house, too. He ran here and there in Paris for a ling time. In the end, he got a big house in Paris. It was a house in the metro(). He was happy. He told the news to London Cat. London Cat came to see the house and he saw a lot of his things there. He became angry and ran to Paris Mouse. Paris Mouse ran here and there in the big house,but he couldn‘t find a place for him. He fell down from a big table and bumped his head. When he woke up, he told himself, “I don’t need a big house at all.”

1. Paris Mouse got .

A a big tableB a small houseC a big house

2. London Cat came a big table.

Ato seeB seeCseeing

3. Paris Mouse a big table.

Ajumped offB fell offC ran up to

4 Paris Mouse bumped his

AheadB legC foot


用yesterday, went, saw, ate, had, fell off, hurt, bumped等描述一下你昨天发生的事情(共10分)



威廉希尔app 小学频道    四年级英语试题


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